Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter amends

  It has been a while since I blogged. Times have been busy and full. Guess when the Bible says that I will live life abundantly, this qualifies!

  Easter was awesome. I have a more profound understanding of the cost of my sins. The remarkable thing is that they are all paid for. All of them! That payment was expensive! So very costly!

  Easter is a day of redemtion. Easter is a day of hope. I had lost all hope, then I observed the cross and the empty tomb, now I have great hope.

  It's all true dear friend! Jesus conquered the grave, received punishment for our sins, and rose victorious! This great hope of redemption is all I have left to place hope in.

  My terrible sins have cost me plenty. I remain hopeful that I will be able to make full amends someday to those I have harmed. The greatest amends I needed to make were made for me, Jesus made them to the Father. Amazing!!

  Easter is amends day. Jesus bore a great burden to secure my forgiveness. No wonder Paul could say that todays sufferings couldn't even be compared to the glory to come. Glory hallelujah!