Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Ring Toss

  So tonight I have scheduled a moment to toss my wedding ring. Mind you, this is my silver ring, I will keep the gold one just in case one of my daughters would like to have it.

  What is this whole ring toss thing about? I guess its a fairly common thing. People stop by a lake somewhere and give it the old heave ho. It supposed to bring a sense of closure and peace. Perhaps it can be a time of reflection on the past and a powering forward into the future. I like the idea.

  A couple years ago my friend went and did this. That was when I had first heard of this idea. His story stuck. I found myself drawn into the rawness and brutality that such a moment could bring. I purposed to do the same when my divorce came.

  But let me talk about the wedding ring a bit.

  When we married we were broke, dig in the couch for dinner money broke. Somehow we got these inexpensive rings. I vowed to buy her a better one at a later date. We eventually got better rings, but it was done on credit, and that provided yet another point of contention that we would utterly fail to work out.

  The ring I had gotten married in became too small. Years of married life had expanded my horizons :) For an anniversary she had it resized. Resizing it probably cost more than it had originally cost. But it was quite a gift!

  I never wore my ring. I made up some crap about safety at work. The reality was, I just never wore jewelry. It felt uncomfortable. It made my finger raw.

  I tried wearing the resized ring. Then one night I took it off, set it on the table next to the couch, and marched my way to the bottom of many beers. The ring got thrown away in the morning with the beer caps. I want to cry just writing that. My ring and ultimately my marriage were swept away in a flurry of beer caps and shot glasses. Damn.

  Shortly after becoming sober I went to the store and found an identical ring. I bought it, put it on, and have only taken it off to sleep. When I wake up and put it on, it reminds me of her and my hope for restoration. I knew it would be uncomfortable but I figured that it would help me remember to pray for her. Every time I thought about my wedding ring I would have a quite moment. It worked very well.

  My ring finger has a groove in it. It has a distinct tan line. The fingers next to it are callused just right so the rubbing isn't an issue. I can't imagine not wearing it. I am scared. I suppose that when I look down upon that naked finger I should take a moment and make sure I am present. I imagine some pain coming my way when I miss the ring.

  Thinking about it now, I think it is like a comfort blanket. A small indicator to me and the world that my marriage still has hope. I gentle reminder that I belonged to someone. Someone who, although I did not understand her present behavior, I trusted her character.

  Back to the ring toss.

  Where should I go to toss it? I asked my friend and he asked me if we had a special spot that had a specific meaning. No special places by lakes or streams came to mind. But one memory did come to mind.

  Shortly after becoming sober she and I met up and went to a meeting together. After the meeting I took her back to her car. It was in the Costco parking lot. We sat and talked. I put some music on and tried to dance with her. She was embarrassed, but she was laughing and seemed so happy. I asked her for a kiss. Fireworks!!!! 

  There were literal fireworks going off as we kissed! The baseball game had ended nearby and they were setting them off. Our timing was awesome!

  I placed a lot of hope in that moment. I bought her a card, that when opened would light up and make fireworks sounds. I saw her face when she opened the card. She didn't know it would make sounds. We were in public and she was slightly embarrassed. But I could tell that it meant something to her.   Priceless!

  I had hoped she would open the card from time to time and she could remember back. She could remember the hope. She could remember the excitement. She could remember me. But, she ended up forgetting.

  I wonder what faded faster, the batteries in the card, or her love for me?

  I think its obvious where I must go tonight. I will park by the same tree. I will bring up her face and all the memories we had. I will think back on that evening and all the hope it gave me. Then I will let her go. I will let the hope go.

  I will find a storm drain or something to throw the ring into.

  I think it would have been easier to have thrown it into a random lake. I think this makes it much more real. If there are fireworks going off tonight I may have to shoot myself. That would be way too much.

Thursday, August 21, 2014


You know the cliché of a Hollywood villain? His hair is black and slicked back. His nose is perhaps a bit too pointy. He is a mustachioed man whose mere presence makes you cover your wallet. He is cunning and crafty.

  I am become a villain! Muwahaha!
  When I woke up yesterday I wasn't. The day started out much like any other: Have some breakfast, read a devotional, drink some coffee, enjoy a smoke...... It was an average day.

  My life is filled with such days. I work hard, I play well, I love on people, and I just try and get by. For four years my life is relatively mundane. Working and paying bills seems to take up an inordinate amount of time, but my recovery depends upon my faithfulness to being current with both.

  So when I saw the letter from my ex's attorney, my heart fell out. He painted me as a man who refuses to pay my share of taxes and won't support my child going to college. Suddenly, with the stroke of an attorneys pen, I had become a villain!

  It isn't really much of a surprise. Divorces have a way of making people use harsh words. Divorces don't happen unless a degree of hatred can be maintained. That's just the way it is.

  But I was hurt. The last four years I have spent trying to repair the wreckage of the previous years. For four years the bills have been paid and I have faithfully given extra for my daughters when asked.

  I am not seeking to justify myself or drag people over to my side of the street. My side of the street is filled with years of wreckage. I have been busy shoveling my own dung up, I don't need to fling poo. I just need to share my hurt.

  So, how do you become a villain? Get in recovery, try and rescue your marriage, watch everything dissolve, and voilà.... You too can become a villain. All it takes is a little hate.


   Let's shift gears and have me ask you a couple questions. Did I just take it too far? Was I been fair? Am I portraying myself as holier than thou?

  Again, I don't want to be justifying myself. I am plenty screwed up!

  I feel wrongfully attacked. I want to yell. I want to cry.

  A temper tantrum would feel really really good!

  Oh man, can you imagine how great that would be, laying on my stomach, pounding the floor with my fists, and screaming out obscenities! Yes, please!

  Where could I do that without looking like a fool? Is that what I am doing by writing about all this stuff? If writing about that stuff is throwing a tantrum, its not working very well!

  I want my throat to be sore.
  I want my fists to hurt.
  I want to go sulk in my room.
  I want dad to tell me to suck it up you little baby.
  OK, maybe not the last one!
  I want to rant and rave.
  In short, I want this damn divorce to be over. I wish it didn't have to become a personal attack. Why can't she be amicable? Somebody make this stop already!

  Pound pound pound
  Kick kick kick

  Nope, words didn't quite do it. I gotta call someone and scream for a while. I better warn them before I start.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

When dreams go bad

  I like dreams. I enjoy the freedom and flexibility they can provide. I enjoy the ability to explore and create. In particular, I enjoy the insight into the mind they can bring.

  But, I despise the bad ones!

  Who knew it was possible to be weeping in a dream, to then wake up from the dream to a tear soaked pillow? And how did my mind decide that last night was the night to rattle my cage?!!!

  I'm a spiritual guy. I believe God can influence dreams and give visions. How then do you deal with them? How do you know if its God showing you something? And if he is showing me something, what if I don't care to see it?

  If God inspired last nights dream then I am clueless as to what to do with it. If its simply my mind trying to process the gunk, why did it randomly pick last night to erupt?

  I haven't the slightest clue!

  I don't like the gut wrenching and soul churning dreams. I can do without my night time swallowed up by Freddie Krueger. These don't feel like my mind is sorting out the complex feelings. They feel like a sadist is playing my worst fears.

  Can someone please turn down the volume on these stupid dreams?!! Enough already! I hurt, I get it, now can we move on?

  I called up Mom to tell her about the crying thing. She has had the same experience! Ugh, it tears your heart out. I never knew that was a thing. Disturbing eh?

  The specifics of what I dreamed about aren't important. (Guy loses girl, guy dreams of her, blah blah blah, weep weep weep). I am just marveling at the power of the mind. And I wouldn't mind if it stopped!

  See what I did there? The mind thing? Punny. Is that even a word? Funny with a "P". Its "punny"! Ha!

  I think I need to relax. The dreams were brutal, but I am chilling out. Is there a trick to reading something nice before bed so the dreams are better? Maybe Field and Stream? I've never had an emotional dream about fish!