Saturday, August 16, 2014

When dreams go bad

  I like dreams. I enjoy the freedom and flexibility they can provide. I enjoy the ability to explore and create. In particular, I enjoy the insight into the mind they can bring.

  But, I despise the bad ones!

  Who knew it was possible to be weeping in a dream, to then wake up from the dream to a tear soaked pillow? And how did my mind decide that last night was the night to rattle my cage?!!!

  I'm a spiritual guy. I believe God can influence dreams and give visions. How then do you deal with them? How do you know if its God showing you something? And if he is showing me something, what if I don't care to see it?

  If God inspired last nights dream then I am clueless as to what to do with it. If its simply my mind trying to process the gunk, why did it randomly pick last night to erupt?

  I haven't the slightest clue!

  I don't like the gut wrenching and soul churning dreams. I can do without my night time swallowed up by Freddie Krueger. These don't feel like my mind is sorting out the complex feelings. They feel like a sadist is playing my worst fears.

  Can someone please turn down the volume on these stupid dreams?!! Enough already! I hurt, I get it, now can we move on?

  I called up Mom to tell her about the crying thing. She has had the same experience! Ugh, it tears your heart out. I never knew that was a thing. Disturbing eh?

  The specifics of what I dreamed about aren't important. (Guy loses girl, guy dreams of her, blah blah blah, weep weep weep). I am just marveling at the power of the mind. And I wouldn't mind if it stopped!

  See what I did there? The mind thing? Punny. Is that even a word? Funny with a "P". Its "punny"! Ha!

  I think I need to relax. The dreams were brutal, but I am chilling out. Is there a trick to reading something nice before bed so the dreams are better? Maybe Field and Stream? I've never had an emotional dream about fish!


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