Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Frequently contacted

  These new smartphones have many exciting and unique features. That's obvious, right? The ability to click a little star on a contact, so they appear in your favorites list, is one of them. Just under that favorites list is the frequently contacted list. The frequently contacted list contains, in order, the people who I keep in touch with the most. It's this list that I struggled with yesterday.

  As a side note, that last paragraph was boring. I don't think I could ever be a technical writer. The mundane nature of writing the basic functions of a smart phone made me a little sad. I'm not by nature a pedantic person, but that paragraph came dreadfully close.

  So......this frequently called feature jumped up and bit me yesterday. I wanted someone to chat with, ya know, lonely and needing a friend. This is rarely a difficult thing to achieve, so I started calling.

  I began my search at the top of my frequently called list. Let's see....that guys at work, this guy's busy with his wife, that guy didn't answer, I don't want to hear about this guy's problems......I was striking out. Keep scrolling down.

  Right there, second from the bottom, my dad's number. It has survived the last couple of weeks clinging on to our last conversation. It troubled me to realize that it will soon drop off the list. Slowly, inexorably, his number is going to leave.

  I thought about calling the number, keep boosting the numbers, artificially keeping him on the list. However, my stepmom still has the phone active on the chance that someone calls that needs to be informed of his passing. How would she react seeing my name pop up calling in? Would it trigger her? I don't want that.

  The solution is to let his number slide of the list. Another goodbye. Another, among many, small things I will grieve about my dad's passing.

  I have known when others have slid off the list. This modern barometer of whom I stay in touch with the most has bitten me before. I reluctantly accept that few relationships last a lifetime. Maybe some do, most simply can't. Heck, I've got the proof on my phone.

  Blessing or curse, the frequently called feature tells a story. It's a story of those we contact often, and it can be a story of those we are losing contact with. The pinhead that designed it certainly never had this in mind. Don't get me wrong, I like the feature, it's super convienient. It's just an unusual way to be reminded of loss.

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