Monday, June 22, 2015

Hells Canyon part 2

  The trip is this Saturday! All the nervousness, anxiety, and planning will culminate in will hopefully be an epic adventure!

  The idea originally was to ride my dad's old bike on the trip. That's not really an option now, the old bike needs a repair. Besides that, the old bike isn't really designed to take a big guy like me (and his lady friend "Blue Eyes") on such a long journey. So, I went out and got another motorcycle.

  The trip won't quite have the same feel being on the new bike, however, it will still be epic.

  The temperatures are supposed to be hot this weekend. Long rides on hot bikes will have its own struggles. Perhaps I am slightly self-abusive but I think the heat may add to the weekend. I will be fighting thru memories of my dad, why shouldn't I be uncomfortable as well? My sweat will help conceal my tears.

  It's morbid to look forward to being uncomfortable. Am I deranged? Yep. My dad rode in all sorts of weather, I will try and fill his shoes.

  I guess refueling is very pleasant for a motorcycle driver. Something about cool fuel and the location of the tank makes it enjoyable. This makes me giggle a little. There are videos all over YouTube of guys enjoying the feeling. Sorry for mentioning it to you sensitive readers :-)

  There will be at least 8 bikes on the journey. I've never ridden with a group that large. I hope there are no butt heads in the group. All of us are riding cruisers, so I expect we won't be traumatizing any cars out there. Better not be, I like being polite on the road.

  I booked a room in an old lodge down there for Saturday night. It's rustic, quaint, and cute. Hope the air conditioner can handle my demands!

  I expect to take many photos and blog much during the experience. I'm really excited!

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