Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fear and Love

  Last night a friend and I had a discussion about fear. He had been in a conversation with others earlier in the night about fear. Guess some people don't understand how fear functions. He was having the correct thoughts, yet these others mistaken ideas started causing him some doubts.

  His thoughts were, if he begins to have fear in his life, he prays and God removes the fear. True, very true.

  Here's the thing: the Bible states clearly that "perfect love casteth out fear" (1 John 4:18). This section of the Bible is speaking about judgement of believers. It refines the thought down further by talking about how "as he was in the world so are we" (vs 17).

  So, if Christ was perfect and had no fear, can we be the same? Sure we won't be perfect in the sense of living a sinless life, but Jesus' perfect life is transferred to us, when we seek His forgiveness and trust in the finished work of the cross. So, that solves the perfection problem, what then about the fear issue?

  First let's define what fear is. I will choose two basic ideas about fear. One is a fear about things that could happen or have happened. The other is a fear of God.

  The fear of God is supposed to be a good thing. The Bible implores us to have this type of fear. If we are afraid we must ask if we are fearing God. If we are "fearing God" then the problem is solved.

  Most likely we are not fearing God. We are fearing circumstances. These circumstances can be self-inflicted or thrust on us by others. So what do we do?

  We must place our trust in Gods love. Provided that I have trusted Him with forgiving my sins, why should I struggle placing the rest of my life upon his shoulders? Am I forgetting that God has all power? Do I have assurance of His love penetrating my very being?

  The solution to the fear problem is so simple. Read the Bible, trust, and do what it says. Leave the worrying to God. He can handle it. He really can.  

  Upon reading this, you may think I have over-simplified the issue. You may have doubts that creep in and sieze you up. Hours upon hours spent freting over problems causing untold amounts of grief. Sleepless nights. Even ulcers can happen.

  Give it to God. My friend, God cares for you. His love will cast out your fear. He wants you to trust Him in everything. Praise God for His amazing grace!

  Oh, but let me caution you. If we have not received the gift of salvation, we should fear. If we have known sin in our life that we refuse to deal with, we should fear. If we are not doing the things God has asked, we should fear.

  It really is quite simple! Let me implore you, cast your cares upon God. Trust not on yourself. Let the finished work of Jesus carry you through life. His promises are real and His love is sure. Oh friend, give your heart to the one who made it!

  Step out and trust in Jesus. He promised to send you The Comforter. Take the gift! If God be for you, what worries could you possibly have?

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