Monday, November 28, 2011


  In God there is no darkness.

  That statement is a doosie. For many years I have been a shadow walker, content to have enough light to see but never enough exposure to get burned.

  Jesus said that we do not come into the light because our deeds are evil and we don't want them exposed.

  Truth be told, I was a hypocrite. A hypocrite isn't someone who claims to be good, yet still does wrong. A hypocrite is someone, like me, who did wrong and pretended I was doing good. I was a fake Christian.

  I knew all the songs. I cried at the right times. I studied Gods word. I did many outward things that made me appear as a Christian. Inwardly, I was a graveyard, a white washed sepulcher. A tomb with lovely flowers.

  One day the shadows became too dark for me. No longer could I try to grow there. Man does not have a tag that says, "Plant in partial Sonlight". I was attempting to grow in conditions that were unsuitable for life.

  The light is blinding. Let's be real here. It is the toughest thing to do, this walking into the light. It exposes everything. I have yet to see an ICU room that was ill lit.

  It is a gentle light. God illuminates and covers, all at the same time. Step out dear friend, step out. 

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