Saturday, July 21, 2012


  When Joshua led the children of Israel into the promised land they got twelve stones out of the river and set them up for a memorial. Future generations would ask what the stones were for and then they could be told the story of rescue and deliverance done by God.

  Is there a modern day equivalent? Is there something we can set up that would demonstrate to others our history of recovery as Christians?

  For many the answer is no. If God did deliver them from anything, they are too embarrassed to set up a memorial.

  Openness and honesty are the hallmarks of getting better. Hiding our past is an indicator that we haven't gotten better, only become better at hiding.

  I carry a sobriety coin. It tells me how long I have been sober. It also invites people to ask me about it. I can share as little or as much as I like. But if I don't share anything but how great I am doing today, people can't relate.

  Humanity is broken. For those who pretend they are not broken, go do something rotten so God can forgive you. Its alot better once you have.

  And once God has forgiven you of that horrible act, set up a memorial of his deliverance. Don't set up reminders of how you rescued yourself.

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