Monday, July 23, 2012

Walk in the dark

  "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling". Those lyrics make my heart pause.

   I think about how fast I ran away from God. I think about the times I knew what was right to do and chose another way. I think about Jesus calling to me just as the streetlights are coming on. He is calling, "Come in before the dark!"

  Oh but I waited too long. The streets grew disfigured with the stretching of the shadows. Excitement was in the air and everything seemed possible.

  I grew to love that twilight land. I could still see the porch where Jesus was calling, but I could see the excitement of the unknown slowly coming on. What things are possible at night?

  I had to explore this dark nether world. It frightened me yet gave me comfort. My life slowly became darkened and yet I liked it. The fear was replaced by excitement.

  I was becoming a zombie. I could still remember those wonderful days in the sun. I remember going on picnics and walks in the parks. Frolicking in the snow and splashing in the water. The seasons didn't matter, the light did. Those memories are fading.

  The shadows grew longer. I wondered what terrible things hid in those shadows. Weren't they just the same things that were there in the daylight?

  The sunlight hurts my skin now. Any exposure causes me to wince. My family and friends like the sun so I have to pretend it doesn't hurt when I go out now. I hope they don't notice the change.

  The darkness is enjoyable now. The shadows aren't scary anymore. The scariest thing out here is me. I worry that my family will tell me to stop visiting the darkness, I don't think I can do that.

  I find the darkness miserable yet I find no comfort in the light either. I grope around in darkness and I am blinded during the day.

  I am so lonely.

  My comfort has taken away my pleasure.

  I can't see anymore at night. The darkness is so complete I run into things and hurt myself. Other times I attack and hurt others, but I don't know who they are. Its just too dark.

  I freely hurt others, I begin to curse the light. Wounds begin appearing on people who I know. Devouring them seems reasonable.

  My family has a nightmare. Their nightmare is me. Anybody have a cure for a zombie?



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