Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Paradise City

  Cruising thru Tacoma, radio blaring, and blam-o GnR comes on with Paradise City. Its a great tune to rock out to. The city lights reflect off the other cars and I am just certain they are listening to The same tune. The banshee yells of Axl seem to be in tune to the hum of my truck. I am mesmerized.

  Its not like I particularly care for for the lyrics of the song. I am not sure even what they are! The song just takes me back to highschool. Lonely nights on forbidden roads wondering just how much trouble I would be in when I finally did go home. Now its 2am, I am on similar roads, the music is cranked,  nobody is expecting me home, or wondering if I am safe.

  The irony is that there is a place called Paradise City and its not to far away. Just down the road and up a little hill called Raineer and you find that little city. I don't know if I have ever been there, but I do want to go.

  I like rock and roll on night drives thru the city. Looking at the city all lit up lends itself to a guitar solo. Much in the same way a cow and barn don't! I enjoy these times.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Anxious Andy

This story I adapted from a sermon illustration by Greg Laurie.

  Anxious Andy worried about everything. His friends tried to help him by sharing things he could hope in, nevertheless Andy just had to be anxious.

  One day Anxious Andy hit upon a clever idea. "Why not hire someone to worry for me?"

  A few days pass by and his friends gradually become aware that something has changed. "Andy, how come you don't worry anymore?"

  "I hired someone to worry for me."

  His friends asked how much this cost Andy.

  "Ten thousand a week."

"Have you lost your mind! You can't afford ten thousand a week!!!"

  Anxious Andy replied, "That's for them to worry about"

Friday, September 7, 2012

He says he is in recovery...

  Your special someone is in recovery. You are full of hope and dreams. Yet you wonder, "Is this real?" How do you find out? Is there a way to test the fruit of repentance?

  There is four things that go along with recovery. Anyone in recovery who is doing the stuff  should demonstrate these things. You should be able to see it without them even telling you.

The person must:

...Be able to explain their issues (what caused them to become who they became)

...Own it (no longer blame anyone or anything for what they have done)(accept responsibility)

...Have a plan of recovery (this plan better be a good one that lots have recovered with before)

...Understand that you don't have to trust them (you get to choose that...coercion must stop)

  Hint: don't tell them you are looking for these things. Don't give them the list! These things come naturally from a repentant heart. If they are in recovery, they can't help but do these things!

Safe people

  I am not going to write a book on this subject, but I do have some decent ideas about who is safe and who isn't. At least, I think they are decent. You be the judge.

   Who is a safe person to seek counsel in?

  For starters, they should hold similar values as yours. If the person is going to try to talk you into doing something you know is wrong, that person is unsafe.

  That person should have nothing emotionally at stake in what you do. Sure they will love you and care about you, but if what you do can mess them up...that is an unsafe person. Suppose you share with them that your husband is looking at porn. They freak out and tell you to divorce right chance for repentance. Then you find out that the person had a failed marriage and is still bitter. Unsafe person.

  How about the gossip? They get so excited about your recovery they go tell everyone! Unsafe.

  What about the opinionated newcomer? They know it all and am shocked at how little everyone else knows. Unsafe!

  How about the one who gets angry at just about everyone they know at one time or another? You will become one of those people they get angry at.

  Be careful dear friend. Unsafe people can be caring. They can appear harmless. They may even intend the best for you. But, if they aren't solid in there recovery, trusting them will make you unsure in your recovery. Ultimately, don't walk past warning signs about people.