Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The note

  "Will you please change your address on this card so it goes to your moms? Thanks"

  Pretty simple note. My wife and I are separated and she doesn't want my credit card statement coming to her anymore. So why, for the next ten minutes, was I hacked off?!! Its stupid, right?

  Maybe if you could just see the note, you might then see why I felt like flipping out. Sure she has excellent penmanship, her point was simple and straight forward, but there is venom in between the lines. Can't you see it?!!

  This isn't about changing an address. Its a big, "Fuck off, get out of my life." Am I being too sensitive? Most likely. I mean, I spent ten minutes trying to figure out if I would spend the next two days being pissed about this. A simple note does that to me....wow.

  Thirteen minutes later and the address was changed. All that's left to ponder is why I can't just do the thing and not end up doing mental gymnastics trying to source out hidden meanings.

  Divorce sucks.

OK here is the note. What's with the exclamation at the end! Am I supposed to be excited for the note....maybe SHE is....I am going to go ponder that for a while. Just kidding folks! I am going to go smoke a camel. They are tough to light, but they smoke forever!

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