Wednesday, March 19, 2014


  Turns out I am quite the codependent, entirely unsure how to handle situations that arise for other people. When there situation seems tough, I internalize it, thus creating shame for myself.

  Cryptic enough for ya?!!

  Here is what happened:

  I arrive at a shipper and am getting loaded (the truck....not me....ha!). My coworker gets a phone call from the safety department stating that he had hit a mirror on a car. He is a new guy and becomes visibly distressed quickly at the thought of having a write up.

We look the trailer over to see if there is a scrape or mark on it. Couldn't find a thing. But how much of a mark could a mirror leave?

  While I feel empathy for the guy, and that is good, I also start to freak out a little internally. I feel like I caused the problem. Sure I can logically find my way thru that minefield, but somehow anxiety still knocks on my door.

  Maybe its anxiety and not codependency. Whatever the label, I am tired of having these moments. I have enough crap that I cause to worry about. Why bother having undue stress over others stuff?

I truly hope the guy doesn't worry too much. Its really a small thing and it will ultimately not ding him much at all. Now to convince myself of that!


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