Thursday, May 15, 2014

Breaking diets

  So I took a couple days off of the diet. No biggie right??! Well.....OK.....the weight didn't just leap back on or anything, but the cravings, THE CRAVINGS!

  Stopped for lunch and had a sandwich. Figured some M&Ms would go well with it and grabbed a small bag. But wait, those bags are two for a dollar. Gotta save money right? Hold on, the cashier has a coupon for half off....four for a dollar!!! Yeah, I got four. Damn.

  What was I thinking? I don't have to worry about my wallet maintaining weight!

  Tomorrow I begin again. I am really excited about drilling a new hole in my belt. Let's get serious again...after I finish those sweet chocolate candies. Two peanut and two chocolate, awww yeah!

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