Saturday, October 8, 2011

100 postings

   Yep, made it past 100. What have you learned about me? Lots of humor and insight is what I hope.

  These postings can be a great relief. I suffer from times of being lonely and hopeless. I have learned to lean on and trust in The Lord. I hope to abandon myself to Him.

  At times it is very difficult to abandon myself to God. I have a history of holding onto all aspects of my life. Although I know that God is able and willing to lead me, I still grasp ahold of my life and imagine that I know what is best.

  I know that I am flawed. Last night I was reminded of that. I wanted to sin and was rationalizing the reasons why I should be allowed to. As the process of rationaliztion continued, God spoke gently to me. His words were, "Don't settle for the sin, my plans are much greater." 

  Unlike most of my life, last night I let go and God delivered me. I don't want to be specific about what the sin was, but lemme tell you, it was a battle. Last night I allowed God to have a victory. Today I am grateful.

  I know not where this blog will go. I just hope to share a bit of myself in it. God bless.

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