Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mountaintops and Valleys

  Oswald Chambers devotion for today, (Oct 1) in "My utmost for His highest, raised the issue of over-reliance upon spiritual peaks to maintain ourselves. His point was that we can set ourselves up for failure if all we want are good times from God. Those "mountains", although great, are not what we are about. They prepare us for the valleys.

  Imagine my surprise when I listened to Greg Laurie today and he also discussed the phenomena. In fact, he quoted the reading from Oswald Chambers. His teaching was posted four days ago and I hadn't caught up yet. So I was floored when those two teachings tied together so well today.

  So let me put my ideas down about the subject.

  The times I spent in the spiritual valleys are so tough. I yearn for the mountain tops. It seems as if life is mostly valleys. It has been said that fruit grows in valleys not on mountain tops.

  A great experience in life is to hike a mountain and when you get to the top having a picnic. I think fruit is a great thing for a picnic. Taking the fruit from the valley onto the mountain is tremendous.
-insert a great spiritual application here-

  Pastor Greg spoke about the mountain of transfiguration. Jesus, John, James, and Peter had gone up the mountain. Jesus met with Moses and Elijah on the mountain. Jesus was shown in his true majesty. His glory was illuminating. What an amazing sight! 

  Peter is such a funny guy. Yet, he is so real. He surveys the scene and concluded that this is what a saviour really should be all about. He is like, "Let's build a place for ya'll to stay in. This is it!" Peter didn't much like the whole plan of God to crucify Jesus, this transfiguration and the prophets on the mountain, now that's what he called awesome. Peter didn't much care for the "valleys".

  I am similar to Peter. When God has brought me up to those incredible mountains, I simply don't like leaving. I stare down into the valleys dreading the time I will spend trudging those difficulties.

  Gods will is for me to be faithful and submitted to Him, without regard for elevation.

  That about sums it up. I was blessed with yet another great teaching. The fact that I have valleys to struggle through should be of no concern. Just draw closer to Jesus. He is able to do what no friend or family memeber can. He can light up the darkest of places.  

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