Monday, October 10, 2011

Exception to the rule

  I have a dear friend who wants his son to get involved in a church. He is hoping there may be a youth group his son can become a part of. I really hope his boy will be able to find a solid Christian group to be a part of.

  He is going to speak to a pastor of a church he hopes to attend. That's good. He expressed hope that the pastor would make an exception for his son, who is one year to young, to attend the youth group.

  I have mixed up thoughts about this. On one side, I see the needs of his son. On the other, age appropriate groups are good and his son should attend his own age group.

  Nevertheless, the desires of our heart should be to follow God. He is to lead us and direct our path. When we encounter a situation where we think we should be treated special, we must consider very carefully why we feel the situation merits special favor.

  This isn't to say that God can't or won't change things and make an exception for us. God knows, He really does, how much I plead for unmerited favor from Him.
Is it a failure if I don't get unmerited favor from God? Well, no! Of course not. He has control and I am glad He does. I stink it up big time when I run the show.

  I guess the point I am trying to get at is, why do people think they deserve special treatment. It is a silly thing for me to get irritated by, I know. I like having exceptions made for me. Guess I am a hypocritical exceptionist. God, please make an exception for me and not the next dude. Wow.

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