Monday, October 17, 2011

Chief sinner

Isa 54:17   No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD

  I have always heard the first part of this verse quoted. When I read the verse today my eyes about fell out of my face.

  I always had thought the verse refers to being protected from the devil. It does, in part. But that semi-colon is a doosie! "Every tongue" certainly adds a few more to the list doesn't it?

  The last part of the verse makes it abundantly clear that righteousness is only obtained of the Lord. We have no claim upon our own goodness. To further press the item home the Bible also says that OUR righteousness are as filthy rags.

  In a very real practical sense this verse speaks to the gossips in the church body. These judgemental people have often forgotten the huge debt they owed and the tremindous price that had to be paid. Here is a list of all the people I know who gossip. Haha, just kidding!

  Clearly in my own life this was the case. I set about building what looked like a good christian life, but really I was working on becoming a competitor with Paul for the title of "Chief Sinner". I very nearly obtained the goal.

  The goal of obtaining the title was thwarted by Gods word. It explains that all sin is disgusting and vile in Gods eyes. He will cast people away for being simply liars all the way up to rapists and murderers. Will people in torment be compairing whose sins were worse when all the flames are so hot? How could they? No comfort can be found for those in Hell. Obviously the one who wins the title of "Chief Sinner" is everyone. Only those who repent and trust in Jesus can truly grasp this concept. 

  If my broken spirit truly understands the nature of the sacrifice of Jesus, then I won't be as willing to crush someone under the wrath of my judgement. Gods judgement is plenty. The people must be warned. 

  Upon trusting in Jesus I am made aware of what a wretch I have been. Selfishness was my lifestyle and it cost others dearly. I will gladly take up my cross and follow my Lord. Every sinful action I ever did was placed upon Jesus at the cross. Oh grateful man that I am!

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