Sunday, March 11, 2012

It's a wonderful plan

Philippians 1:29
"For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake"

  What a statement by Paul! He was shown what things he would suffer for Jesus and here he is telling us we will suffer also!

  Check out Philipians 3:7-8
"But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may when Christ".

  Is this the gospel you have heard proclaimed? Were you promised a wonderful life? What do you do with verses like these who say we will suffer?

  If we promise an unbeliever that God wants to give them a wonderful life, do they actually consider the cost? Its expensive to serve Christ! It costs us our desires, our goals, our families, our lives.

   So what's to gain? Freedom from sin. Oh that blessed freedom! Rejoice! Rejoice! Our sins are cast away, never to be remembered! Oh blessed Redeemer!

  Stop using God's blessings as "draw cards" to introduce people to Him. They may take you up on your offer, never repent and trust, and still be bound for hell.

  When I was fourteen I gave myself to God. I was promised a wonderful life and I took it. What changed for me?


  I still had my sinful nature. I just thought God would shield me from the consequences of my sins. I thought God would "open doors" and "bind up the devil" for me. After all, He promised me a wonderful life.

  Twenty-two years later and sin still had me in its death grip. How could I, God's child, be so vile and wretched? He was supposed to change my life into wonderful! I was duped!

  Paul says we are in a race. I got off to a false start! I "jumped the gun" and never repented. Jesus was a way of getting what I wanted. I wasn't given the opportunity to examine myself against God's law and discover my sinful nature.

  So, instead of being regenerated by Gods Holy Spirit, I was innoculated. I became a false convert.

  Today I see the truth. God didn't come to give me a wonderful life. He came to pay for my sins. He paid a huge price to pay for my sins. I am ashamed that I trampled the blood of Jesus by believing He came to give me "a wonderful life".

  Is it wonderful that He forgave my sins? Absolutely! But nobody thinks about their sins when we tell them, "God has a wonderful plan for your life".

  Paul suffered. He says I will also. I count that "wonderful life" that I had as dung. It was worthless.

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