Sunday, March 11, 2012

Wrongful birth?!

Deborah and Ariel Levy: Portland couple wins case against Legacy Heath for 'wrongful birth' after daughter is born with Down...

Hey Folks, I get that the people will need extra money to pay for the extra needs of their daughter. But suing because they weren't given enough information to kill the child? This is utter depravity. When did it become ok to sue for "wrongful birth"?

  I hope the parents are having, or will have, second thoughts about ever wanting to abort this little girl. I know I have done tremendously wicked things in my life and God forgave me (for Christ's sake). I surely hope they repent of their wicked desire to abort their daughter. Yes, God can forgive them. Let's hope they come to Jesus and He washes them clean.

  I want to further the gospel a bit more. Friend, if you think your sins aren't as bad as these, think again. Our vileness is just as vile even if we don't think so. God looks upon the heart and proclaims hatred as murder. Looking with lust as adultery. If we have ever lied, He says, "You are of your father, the Devil, the father of lies". That's three of the "10 commandments". Do you really want to look at more to see if you get them right?

  I hope you catch the point. We are all condemned under the law. Let the law teach you that! Then, when you see your condemnation, agree with God about your wickedness (repentance), and cry out to Jesus. He suffered and died to pay for our sins. He has not promised you a terrific and wonderful life, but He does offer forgiveness for breaking His laws.

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