Monday, June 30, 2014

Indulge me a little petulance

  I am a few days into the discovery of my ex's new love interest. My support structure has helped navigate me thru the painful thoughts. I am greatly aware now that I will survive, flourish, and become even more healed. Armed with the knowledge that I am doing OK, let's get sideways in our discussion. Indulge me.

  I have looked at pictures of the new guy. Not a very striking guy! Handsome and debonair are not words likely to be associated with this creep. He is instantly forgettable...well...maybe not for me due to the circumstances.

  I am so pleased that he is not a looker! It would be crushing to my self worth if he had been handsome. I know it is petty, but it feels sooooo good!

  I am doubling down on the diet. I am going to buy a bike and stay riding it. I plan on thinning up and getting in shape. One day I will meet this guy, and when I do, I want to blow him out of the waters with my machismo. Booyah!

  Living well is the sweetest revenge. Looking good helps!

  Come on Josh, aren't you being a bit vain? Yup.

  Aren't you just projecting ugliness onto him? I suppose...but he earned it. Let me have a look at his picture again......nope......not projecting! Ha!

  If she is attracted to him, doesn't that make you ugly as well, seeing as she also liked you? Not at all. The fact is that I am so attractive it scared her into going for the dog. Woof!

  You are so mean Josh!

  Hey, I am just trying to be real. I sort of snickered at the idea of her dating a turd and me showing up with a beauty. Justice served!

  I will be a fit and firm hunk of manliness. Women will swoon. Men will weep. My ex will know that she chose poorly. And I will do my best to not rub it in....while flexing as I pick up something.

  Is this all fantasy? Sort of. I really do want to get in shape. I am working hard and eating well to achieve that goal. I want to present myself as a new man. Outwardly hunk-a-lishous, while inwardly a sensitive man. Cue the swooning babes!

  So Bozo (that's not the bozos real name) you may have came in and grabbed her attention, but you did it while she was vulnerable. You also did it while divorcing your own wife, turd breath. You make pond scum look smart. You make me sick. You are merely the stuff she dragged in on the bottom of her shoe. Eventually you will wear off.

  How about you man up and go try and fix your own marriage? If it can't be fixed, take some time off and come to grips with what you may have failed at. Its good to be able to see circumspectly, go try it. And leave my soon to be ex alone, instead of creating new wreckage. Its better for everyone. Stop being a predator of weak women. I was one and I recognize it in you. Get help butt breath.


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