Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A real bozo that I am

  Yesterday I backed up to a dock and went inside to talk to the lumper about unloading the trailer. The man was rude very uncordial in his speech. I responded appropriately by returning his lack of kindness.
  I went out to the truck to get a check for their services. As I was waiting for my company to issue the check, I mentally reviewed the conversation to see if (or how badly) I had behaved.

  As I perused the darker recesses of my mental abilities, I concluded that I had better be nicer in the next conversation with the lumper. I didn't want to but I should.

  I headed back inside ready to play nice. The fellow spoke exactly the same as before only now I noticed that he spoke with a small degree of difficulty. What I had taken as rudeness was really him being deliberate in his speech.

  No, I didn't say to him "I thought you were just rude, now I think you are just slow".

  I feel kinda bad about the whole thing. When someone gets snappy or rude I really like being a jerk back. Sometimes they may have just had some horrible thing happen, they don't like their job, or whatever...the point is...perhaps I should be kinder. I'm not saying I always will be. But I will try.



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