Sunday, September 8, 2013


  Encountered the first foggy night of the fall season last night. I know it's not technically fall yet, but tell that to the fog!

  The fog is almost mesmerizing as I drive. I particularly enjoy the fog that is just above the roadway so you kind of do scudding in reverse. The fog softens the oncoming headlights and gives everything a nice halo. When you step out of the truck the fog produces an eerie quite. Its awesome!

  I suppose most people find the fall/winter time treacherous on the roadways. I am not one of those. I really enjoy the fog, ice, and snow. It is of little concern to me that I hurdle down the road riding 40 tons thru inclimate weather. In fact, I prefer it.

  See, the summertime is wonderful in many ways, but the wintertime has its own attractions. The fall and Christmas decorations are beautiful, the roads are less crowded (except on holiday weekends), no bugs, and I get to dress in ways that hide my fat......yeah I know.

  Someday soon I will slide off the road while driving in ice and fog, dying in a massive fireball, and somebody will read this post thinking I am a fool for liking the bad weather. This blog is morbidly prophetic if that did happen. Read this at my wake OK?

   If I did die in a fireball I bet there would be a discount on cremation! 50% off for mostly charred bodies! Now that's a deal. I mean, who would pay full price to burn up a dude that is mostly burned up? Is there a sliding scale for these things? I gotta Google that.

  Fog, then cremation savings, now that's writing!

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