Friday, October 31, 2014


  Its that time of year again, time to contemplate signing up for insurance. It is open enrollment season for my work! The excitement!

  Getting older has its benefits, who knew that I would be paying for them!

  For the first time in my life I have health insurance! I'm not very happy about getting it. Of course I realize that someday I will be needing it and signing up now makes it easier down the road, but I don't like being forced into buying something by my government. I will pay for it, even if I didn't get it. Somehow someone thinks this is being kind to me. Leave me alone. No really, give me back my money, I know how to use it better than you. Bug off.

  Maybe there could have been an opt out option. Maybe a form that states that I will never use the social services! Don't get me wrong, safety nets are nice, but we have a system of hammocks.


  I do not much care for the insurance. Guess its a sign of maturity that I'm insured. Maybe its a good thing. Maybe the buttinskis have it right, insurance is good. I like buttoutskis better! Being insured is probably the smart move.

  If I ever get sick and need major medical care, please don't read this post to me! Just smile and show me where to sign for the next government handout, its the fashionable thing to do! If I get sick I never complained about this...ok?

  So, the same government that wages seemingly stupid wars is now requiring my compliance in getting insurance. War mongers running health care. This will end well!

  How did this become a political rant? It's just insurance Josh! Cough up the stupid money, grow up, and go about your life. Why the big deal?!

  It's because I'm a crybaby who doesn't like being told what to do. Also, I live in a country that said it wouldn't impose these things. Those traitors! Boohoo.....waaaahhhh!

  May the fleas from a thousand camels infest their bedroom.

  May I never become sick and have to eat these words. I will just pretend I never wrote them, just like they pretend the constitution..........

  Enough already!  End this dumb post! You're's good....get on with it.  :)



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