Sunday, September 11, 2011


  While growing up I heard people share how they had remembered vividly what they were doing when something major happened. They spoke about JFK being assasinated and man landing on the moon.

  I really didn't understand this phenomena. When Sept. 11th happened I understood completely. I know precisely where I was when I heard the news.

  As I reflect upon that day, I have a deeper understanding of the loss experienced by those families whose loved ones died. This national calamity has very personal consequences for many people. I mourn for their losses.

  It is important for us to be aware of others grief. If I pass over those who have suffered, I am failing. At a very base level, Jesus understood the struggles we have in our lives.

  Let us have compassion on those who have lost loved ones. We also will lose loved ones. Perhaps we already have.

  This life is but a vapor, the Bible teaches. We have a brief time that we can serve our Creator. Let this day of rememberance keep us aware of others who struggle through their life. May we be sensitive and loving. 

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