Wednesday, September 7, 2011


  I heard Luke 8:41-56 preached in a way I had never heard before. Let me explain what I learned.

  Jesus returns back from a brief trip. The trip itself was incredible and when Jesus returns he finds the people gladly receiving him. They had been waiting for him.

  A man steps out of the crowd named Jairus. Jairus approached Jesus and requested for him to come to his house. It says in verse 42 that Jairus' daughter lay dying. It was Jairus' only daughter, about twelve years old. Heavy stuff. 

  Jesus accepts the invitation and they start heading out. Then the story changes. The people began to press in a bit and suddenly a woman touched the border of Jesus' garment and was healed! Jesus stops and addresses the woman. Jairus' plans are interupted.

  What is Jairus gonna do? This delay may mess up everything. I never noticed that he had been placed into waiting while the woman with the "issue" got healed. How is Jairus gonna handle the situation? Is he thinking that God is less concerned about his problems than before? Perhaps he is thinking that there is still plenty of time. Maybe it will still be okay. Healings only take a couple of verses. Its fine. 

  Well, the plot thickens. While Jesus is sharing a lesson about the woman being healed, someone from Jairus' house arrives with news, "Thy daughter is dead, trouble not the Master".

  Here is what I would have been like. My mind starts racing. My pulse quickens. My body won't function right. I can't breathe. Is she really dead? OH NO, I didn't make it! The quest is over. I swung for the fences and struck out! I won't ever see my daughter again.

  Ever been there? Same here.

Jesus read this mans thoughts and said some words of encouragement.

  Jesus said, "Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole."  Jesus knew what was going thru poor Jairus' mind. They continued the journey.  
  I am on a journey. I stumble along grasping for faith. I have found Jesus. He says that he will come. To be precise, I will follow. Its a long, long trail. I never been on this trail before this. "Where are we going Lord?" Did we get diverted. I want to cry out, "Hurry up, we might be too late!"

  Am I really this naive after reading this story? Sometimes.  I know Jesus is leading my path home. I freak out on occasion and hope my family will be found alive when I get there. Yet I trust him.

  The story ends with Jesus being ridiculed and him rescuing the girl. I like happy endings. Knowing Jesus has been the sweetest thing I have ever known. People ridicule him, yet I know he is all powerful. After all, I sure ain't got any power. It is all Jesus. 

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