Sunday, April 20, 2014


  Peter and I go way back. He was a fisherman, a fighter, and very opinionated. He had a bad case of foot in mouth disease. He was brash and temperamental. He was a passionate bear of a man.

  I relate to Peter because I am all of those things, and more. I liked it when he would argue with Jesus. I enjoy the accounts of his betrayal. I marvel at him when he naval gazes while Jesus offers to forgive him. I am shocked that he didn't ask the writers of the new testament to not include all his blunders. I suppose that he wasn't worried about his reputation, rather he just wanted to give his sworn testimony. Still, I would have told Matthew not to write that slanderous stuff, Peter didn't.

  Easter was a time of torment for Peter. He spent the previous couple of days telling Jesus that Jesus was wrong about everything. He vowed to fight to the end for this political messiah that he thought he was promised. When that failed, he disavowed any knowledge of Jesus and cursed at him. He watched all his dreams of the previous 3 years die on a cross. He was a man of guilt and shame, and he had lost his way.

  Some time before Easter Peter was on a mountain with the boys when he saw Jesus transfigured. This scene of Jesus in all his Majesty was so powerful that Peter wanted to erect a church right on the spot! It says that he had no idea what to say, so he said the church thing. Silly boy.

  But that's me. Moments of great growth or spiritual understanding are wonderful, but I often want to capture the lightning. I want to freeze joy and suck ever last drop out of it. I try and box God in.

  This relationship with God is a wild thing. He is an untameable God. He chooses the whacky and downhearted to display power.

  As I reflect on the events of the first Easter and how Peter reacted, I consider my own shortcomings. I am not a good representative of Christ. I run away and hide when things get tough. I deny even knowing Him. I run away and go back to work. Just like Peter.

  I am so grateful that none of this relationship relies upon me. I can't be good enough to merit any favor from God. I can't be bad enough to overpower the forgiveness bought at the cross.

  Happy Easter

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