Monday, January 30, 2012

Bad teeth and sour grapes

Ezekiel 18:2 - "What mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are on edge?"

  The idea that God is getting across is that my basic desire to blame others (specifically parents) has to be stopped. Until I take responsibility, no progress in my relationship to God will be found. Tough words indeed!

  But does it make sense? I mean, obviously the decisions made by the parents will have a factor in what happens to the kid. If the dad is mean, lazy, isolationist, lying, sexually immoral, etc..., wouldn't it make sense his child would be as well? I would think so.
  Here is the thing to take notice of, the children in this chapter (Ez 18) are having communication with God. In this world many things that we do can be traced back to our upbringing. God understands that. He says that the Gentiles are a law unto themselves. Hence, if you were born a Gentile, you would not know the Law of God. But God gives you the law on your heart and then you must choose to obey.

  So then, when we start communicating with God, He is the perfect judge. He knows when we do things by our invisible upbringing or when we do them by rebellion. To rebel against what we know is right is sin. 

  We may look at our employment, education, housing, car, habits, etc..., and think, "My parents are to blame". Blame for what? Not having as nice of things as I think I should.

  Were we commanded to worry about what we wear, what we eat, or where we live? Just checking. 

  Let us use the perfect example. Jesus. His father was The Father. He came into our world, not by demand, but by choice. Jesus lived a much rougher life than mine. Then, out of his own volition, died on the cross. At that very moment the payment for every sin ever committed was paid for. That is really taking the sour grapes thing to the extreem! Jesus really did have to pay for what everyone else did. The payment was huge.

  Did Jesus complain during any of this? Was he bitter that this was going to happen?

  I am not saying we should imitate Jesus and sacrifice ourselves. Sometimes we should, but that's not the point of this blog.

  The point is, when we start communicating with God, He holds us accountable for our actions. We better get this correct here and now, for the Bible teaches that we store up judgement for the day of wrath. Sort of an unholy savings account, each sin is a new deposit and we sure like to save up those points! Stop saving up wrath dear friend. Jesus paid it all.

  So, mom and dad, I guess I should stop blaming you. You likely blame yourself enough for the both of us. My life is what I have made it. My choices, my problems.

  Today I choose to follow God. He promises that if I will give my life to him, he will take good care of it. I will never be alone and I will have nothing I need to worry about. That's an awesome promise!

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