Friday, January 13, 2012

A holy kiss

  The verses that say that we should greet each other with a holy kiss have always been perplexing to me. We know that kissing a ring is wrong, but what is right? I believe I saw an example tonight.

  Church had just ended. We are making our way thru the foyer. The preacher comes zipping past with a pat on my back and a nice "hello". (No the kiss isn't with me!) 

  The preacher has a target he seems to be heading for. Its a young couple and he is going to comfort them or something. They seem very shook up. 

  Before he gets to the young couple he sees a friend. Its a tough looking, northern Idaho, manly man, complete with camoflage. The preacher says hi to the guy in passing and plants a big ole smootcher on the dude's cheek!

  I know, I know, Dudes hugging and cheek kissing, fag me out like really. But this wasn't that at all. What seemed to transpire was a demonstration of great brotherly love in Christ. It was awe inspiring.

  I instantly recognised a deep care those two manly men had for each other. Clearly they had carried each others burdens thru many hard times over perhaps many years.

  All this from a kiss? You had to be there. I know I did, even if just to witness those obscure verses actually put to use. What an evening at church! God really does know what He is doing.

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