Monday, January 9, 2012


  "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" speaks about a man called into a courtroom to give testimony. They were worried he would not share the truth so they gave him some truth syrum. When asked to share "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth", he started talking. Trouble is, they had gotten the amount of syrum wrong. He had been given too much! And so, he started sharing the truth. They ran screaming away, put barricades up to block the entrance to the court, and surrounded the court with an army just so people would not have to hear the truth.

There was a funny bit about frogs tho!

  Seriously. Can you imagine a syrum that could make you tell the whole truth? Even truth you didn't know?

  As christians we believe that the Holy Spirit is that syrum. Why then do we struggle about being honest? We lie about our sinful past (pre and post salvation). We lie about our faithfulness. We lie about our devotion. We lie about our present struggles. WHY?

  Why do we pretend that if we lie Gods will will be somehow done better? We convince ourselves that a lie can produce results that the truth can't! If I lie about my testimony, paint the past a little prettier, make my life seem more holier, my testimony will somehow be better. You fool!

  I struggle with my own lies. I don't like the things I have done and I would rather lie about them. I almost convinced myself that lies would serve the greater good.
  How can I give testimony to Gods grace and mercy if I lie about me? God does not honor lies, no matter the motivation. 

  So I will purpose in my life to be directly honest. I do not have the right to damage others by my honesty, so I must be careful. But I am tired of telling myself, "Just hide who you are and what you have done, God will be glorified!"  It is a damn lie! God has not authored me to lie.

  Do I like the idea of sharing this way? Nope. Will God honor my work if I hide the truth? Nope.

  Eventually I would like to help others by my experiences. If I chose to, I could lie and present a glorious picture of grand change that swept my life and made me so very good. Who would that help? The very person I would be sharing with will think himself a failure if he doesn't get the same results. When I lie and present myself more honorable than I actually am or was, God cannot use me. This salt will have lost its savor. 

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