Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Count em up

  Remember the childrens song, "Count your blessings, name them one by one"?

  I am just sitting here marveling at the great mercy God has given in my live. A little over one and a half years ago I thought my life was over, friends would be gone, and my family would have disowned me.

  Sure there are those "friends" who are no longer my friends. And, there are family members who have no idea what to think and thus might choose to remain upset. But my life, it has never ever been this good.

  Today I have a loving relationship with God. I think about spending time with him in the same terms I think about spending time with my bride. I imagine a lifelong romance with my creator.

Let me explore this thought a bit. Do a lil' compairing. 

  My bride is a gorgeous woman. She has captivated my thoughts as well as my eyes. I daydream about her often. I know that I know her but a little. My desire is to know her more and more with each passing day. When she smiles my heart blossoms. When her eyes twinkle at me I almost faint. Ohh baby!

  I have been asking God what I could do to develope the same "practical" love for him. I see my wife's beauty and I adore her, in what sense can I have this towards God? What is the equivalent to holding hands with my bride? Can I hold hands with God?

  I really would like to know what this should look like. I look out and God's creation and I see magnificent beauty, but that isn't Him. Just like I see my wife's beauty, but that isn't her. I want to know the genuine beauty, that alluring love that God created. 

  How is God's love for me supposed to be similar to my love for my bride?

  Jesus commands me to submit to my wife and sacrifice myself for her. Pour out my life for her. He says my prayers will be hindered if I fail to do this. Yikes, I don't want hindered prayers! I am to love her as Christ loves the church. Christ loved me BEFORE I loved him. Radical! What a great love he gave. I must try and give this love towards my bride even when she doesn't love me back. But, God will always love me back. 

  Back to the idea of spending time with God. I am a romantic. I like waterfalls, flowers, sunsets, all that gooey stuff. I like having my wife next to me in those romantic times. How can I create a romance between me and God.

  I am not trying to be weird here. I simply want romance with God. To be enamored with Him. Maybe I should write Him a poem or psalm. Perhaps I should take Him on a walk. We could enjoy a sunset together. Now I am getting the picture! Take God with me wherever I go, but specifically, take him places I want to take my wife.

  I got off the target of talking about blessings. I really needed to express myself about romance. I gotta go find a beach, lake, or stream, and take God on a nice walk. Spend the time just talking with Him. Ask Him what things please Him. Then ask Him where we should go on our next date. I am sure He has some wonderful ideas.


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