Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Having a cold

  There is a lot that sucks about having a cold. I am presently getting over one. I think I get sick far less than other people. This cold almost wiped me out. I was able to function but when I got the chance to get some sleep, I took it. I think I slept about 15 hours out of the last 24. Impressive for a guy who hates being sick.

  My personality is of such that I don't like weakness in myself. I have only called in sick to work, and was sick, once in my memory. I don't think of being sick as a weakness, I just manage to fight thru the junk better than some.

  I didn't want to go into a big diatribe about sickness and how different people cope with it. No really, I didn't. I wanted to bring up something that really disturbes me about sickness and I have never heard mentioned before. It can't be unique to me! But who knows. Let's see:

  My sinus' are clearing up. It is nice to be able to nose breathe again. I felt like such a nose drooling mouth breather yesterday. Yucko!

  Here's the thing. When I lay down to sleep my sinus passageways sometimes "pop" or "crackle". If they "snapped" as well, I would call it breakfast. Tasty!

  It is disturbing. My head keeps making all these funky sounds. I can't sleep with all the noise. Am I alone in this? I am sure that there must be others who hear sounds when their nasal passages are getting cleared up.

  Sorry to gross you out. Just being real here. Our bodies are fabulous creations of a marvelous God. Sometimes I just smile at the goofiness of being human.

  One more quick thing.

  I remember another sinus thing that happened years ago. I had a cold. I went to work (I was a roofer at the time). My sinus' were compacted and I was miserable.  Sometime during the day I reached down to grab a coil of nails, just when my brother-in-law was looking, my sinus' drained. Looked like perhaps a 1/2 cup of clear liquid (I didn't have a measuring devise on hand, use your best judgement with this recipe). Have you ever had that happen? Clear liquid just pouring out your nose like that? You ought to hear my brother-in-law share the story. His perspective was slightly different than mine!

  Anyways. Enough of the goofy talk. Lemme know if you hear noises or have water shoot out your noses when you are sick!   

P.S.  Mom, if you made it this far without being grossed out I am so happy! Usually talks like this end up with you thinking of refunding dinner! Hehe

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