Sunday, January 1, 2012


  Here we are beginning a new year. 2012. The possibilities are unlimited. The prognosticators are envisioning all sorts of goofy things. I will be Joshua, you be who you are, but let's be frank, God has already planned what will happen. It is our duty to be faithful to the adventure.

  Having just completed The Chronicles of Narnia again, I am humbles by C.S. Lewis' observations about life's adventures. Something unexpected would happen in the books and some member of the cast would be grateful to be on the adventure, even when facing perilous situations.

  In my own life these adventures were never welcomed.
  I remember travelling towards Oregon from Spokane. I missed the turn off at Ritzville. Of course I blamed my wife for the missed turn. I hope I was gentle about it, most likely I wasn't. Harsh words or attitude towards the most gentle soul I ever met. Damn me.

  Then we took the next road heading the correct direction. We discovered this little Indian town. We saw beautiful scenery. The detour was awesome! Too bad I wasn't grateful for the unexpected adventure.

  This difficulty is in my heritage. I don't know of anybody in my family who could get detoured and think it a grand thing.

  So that's my new resolution. I resolve to enjoy where God sends me, even when I didn't know that's where I wanted to go.

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