Monday, February 27, 2012

My biggest week

  Life for me will be changing this week in a very big way. Thusrday will be the culmination of events that I caused. I enter this week with fear, hope, and faith.

  Why, if I trust God implicitly with my life, would I have fear in my list? Just because I trust God completely, and I do, doesn't mean my mind doesn't explore the negative side of things. I "turn my thoughts over", yet those thoughts still happen.

  I choose to be vague about what might be happening.  There is only so much I am willing to disclose in a public forum. Those I have hurt in my life have the right to share how they were hurt publicly, I don't.

  That being said, let me chronicle a little of what has changed already I'm my life: July 5th of 2010 I drank my last drink of alcohol, August of 2010 I devoted/recommited my life to God in Christ, October of 2010 I gave God my sexuality (no sex with anyone, including myself, other than my wife), and I have been daily praying and reading my bible since October of 2010. The list could be populated with many smaller victories, such as the day I shared all my moral shortcomings with someone else, but those smaller stories would take a book to write down.

  Recovery has been a long and painful path. There has never been, nor will there ever be, a day when it has reached culmination. Even so, there has been many days of "reaching the mountain tops of faith". I love those days!

  I have many new friends. God has become tangible and accessible. My relationship with my parents and sister has been restored. I have a great new Pastor who knows me and still loves me. I have a support group who calls me on my bull fertilizer. I listen to my wife. I "walk" with a purpose. Incapacitating fear hasn't happened in a long time.

  My life has many more obstacles to overcome. God's grace is sufficient to carry me through. On good days and hard days God has never failed me. It is just so hard not to forget that He is in charge, when the enemy keeps shooting flaming arrows.

  So this Thursday will mark another day in my recovery. There are many such days that have passed, and many more to come. I just show up every time, hoping and trusting in God.

  Thank you for supporting me. To those who have read and commented on this blog, I thank you so much. You have been a valuable resource in my life.

My biggest week

  Life for me will be changing this week in a very big way. Thusrday will be the culmination of events that I caused. I enter this week with fear, hope, and faith.

  Why, if I trust God implicitly with my life, would I have fear in my list? Just because I trust God completely, and I do, doesn't mean my mind doesn't explore the negative side of things. I "turn my thoughts over", yet those thoughts still happen.

  I choose to be vague about what might be happening.  There is only so much I am willing to disclose in a public forum. Those I have hurt in my life have the right to share how they were hurt publicly, I don't.

  That being said, let me chronicle a little of what has changed already I'm my life: July 5th of 2010 I drank my last drink of alcohol, August of 2010 I devoted/recommited my life to God in Christ, October of 2010 I gave God my sexuality (no sex with anyone, including myself, other than my wife), and I have been daily praying and reading my bible since October of 2010. The list could be populated with many smaller victories, such as the day I shared all my moral shortcomings with someone else, but those smaller stories would take a book to write down.

  Recovery has been a long and painful path. There has never been, nor will there ever be, a day when it has reached culmination. Even so, there has been many days of "reaching the mountain tops of faith". I love those days!

  I have many new friends. God has become tangible and accessible. My relationship with my parents and sister has been restored. I have a great new Pastor who knows me and still loves me. I have a support group who calls me on my bull fertilizer. I listen to my wife. I "walk" with a purpose. Incapacitating fear hasn't happened in a long time.

  My life has many more obstacles to overcome. God's grace is sufficient to carry me through. On good days and hard days God has never failed me. It is just so hard not to forget that He is in charge, when the enemy keeps shooting flaming arrows.

  So this Thursday will mark another day in my recovery. There are many such days that have passed, and many more to come. I just show up every time, hoping and trusting in God.

  Thank you for supporting me. To those who have read and commented on this blog, I thank you so much. You have been a valuable resource in my life.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


  Last night I had a very vivid dream about preaching. I will share about yesterdays activities that led up to the dream, then share the gory details.

  I listen to a great podcast called "Key Life". Steve Brown, the host, shares lots of good insight into loving one another. His focus is mainly teaching Christians to set aside the issues that are secondary and love each other primary. This is far easier said than done!

  Steve spoke about teaching at a very "conservative" conference. His job was to preach three or four times. Before he got to preaching someone caught him smoking his pipe. They really thought about kicking him out, not letting him preach, they may have even doubted his salvation. After scolding him not to smoke, they let him teach, but if he smoked again he gets the boot. He complied and did the teaching.

  The last time Steve was speaking he figured he better leave it all on the line. Why get the boot for a small thing like smoking? He unloaded the full arsenal. So, midway thru his teaching he stopped. He asked the audience if he could just speak plainly for a while.

  Steve shared how his grandfather had commited suicide. How his father abandoned him. How, at 14, he had to confront his fathers mistress. Then he spoke how God's grace led him out of all that destruction and loved him the way he needed.

  The silence was only broken by the tears. A man came up to him and shared about how his father had commited suicide, the man had never shared that before! Many other people approached him with their hurts and he was able to share God's comfort. He spent the rest of the weekend helping others get over their pain. Suicide vs smoking, I think he chose wisely!

  Then last night I got to see Chaplin Gordon at the truckstop in Troutdale, Oregon. We debated the usual stuff (predestination, baptism, bibles, all the "good stuff"). Suddenly the conversation shifted. He spoke about John chapter 17, the Lord's prayer. Not the prayer Jesus gave as an exsample, rather the actual prayer Jesus spoke. In that prayer Jesus says in verse 21 that He prays for us "that they all may be one" and further in verse 23, "I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me".

  Gordon and I went on to talk about the need for brotherly love. Gordon is fundamental baptist by all counts, yet he loves his brothers and chooses to have fellowship with them, even if they disagree on secondary stuff.

  My mind was primed. I had been filled with great information. I hit the pillow thanking God for such a great day filled with great teaching, from two different sources no less! Then I dreamed, oh boy did I ever!

  I was in a huge by large assembly of Bible believing baptists. The preacher wasn't to be found. People knew Gordon and asked him to speak. I told Gordon that I wanted to speak if I had the chance. He said sure and taught for a while. Then came my turn.

  I approached the pulpit. It was skinny, solid wood, and well worn on the edges. The stage was ampitheater style with the audience almost circling all the way around. I asked God if I could share my story. Placing my hands on the pulpit, I opened my mouth and.... my alarm went off. Woke up by that infernal beeping!

  I have been given the priviledge to preach a few times in my life. I was always concerned with looking good or teaching just the right words. Never, I mean it, never did I try and share what God had showed me. I never talked about the trauma of growing up. I never spoke of my addictions.

  I hope God gives me the opportunity to share the truth. I really love preaching, I am not uncomfortable speaking in front of people. The only thing I am scared of preaching is falling back into the trap of being an impersonal preacher. Hiding my past while preaching is like pretending God saved a perfect man. I am not a perfect man and I shouldn't try to hide it.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Death and forgiveness

  Being given the gift of sobriety has many wonderful blessing, and some pain I would rather not have. Becoming "there" emotionally can be tough at times. Right now I am feeling the pain of having lived a life filled with bitterness.

  My wifes grandpa, John Davis Sr., just passed away. In years past we never visited the man. I never introduced him to his great-grandchildren. I thought I had good reasons for staying away. Today I realise I was just being a jerk. There is no valid reason for what I did. 

  I have lived a life without compassion. Sympathy, empathy, and gentleness were all words to ignore. Judgementalism and a condemning spirit were my creed.

  One day God pulled at me and drew me out of the cesspool of my own sins. My sins were horrible (they still are). I am completely amazed that God could forgive me. He paid a terrible price for my sins.

  I wish I could time travel and not be that hurtful man.

  My failure as a father and grandson-in-law is on display. I tears me apart to not have the opportunity to love John Davis Sr. in this life. I squandered my chance.

  Some sweet day I will meet this man. Neither of us will have any sin on us. Praise God! Jesus will have brought us to heaven and there will be wonderful reunions. I never met him, so I guess it will be a glorious union!

  At the end of the Lords Prayer it says, "Forgive us as we forgive others". I failed miserably to forgive much of anyone, ever. So let me finish up with a verse that speaks about how I should forgive as a Christian.

  Ephesians 4:31-32
  "Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you."

  Oh dear friend, what a marvelous gift of forgiveness Christ offers. How is it that I spent so long refusing to grant that same gift to others? With God's grace, I hope to never be the same again.

  To those that I hurt by my actions,  I am sorry, I was wrong for not visiting Grandpa John Davis Sr.  I chose to satisfy my own desires and I wasn't a godly man.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Into the dark

Matthew 10:27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

  How many times have you read this verse? Dozens, perhaps hundreds? I only just understood this verse yesterday. I learn quick!

  What is this "darkness" that is being spoken of? Is it a place where God isn't? Well, no, it can't be. He says He will tell you stuff there.

  Is it a literal dark place? I don't think God is referring to us needing to cut the lights to hear Him.

  So what is it? I propose it is a place where you are frightened, feel alone, and you quietly wait upon The Lord. In that place God will give you some words and likely a vision.

  Let's not get all mystical and weird about "the vision" stuff. Just understand that God can show you what you can be, if you let Him have His way. Oh what a glorious thought that is!

  But that darkness is so terrifying. Nobody likes to be plunged into a place where we feel all alone and lost. The Bible speaks in many places about "groping in darkness". Stop groping. We often grasp at anything we can feel in hopes of getting out of the darkness.

  Off the top of my head, here is a list of things people grope for in the darkness:
Food (darn I already said that)
Clothing and fashion
Video games
Ad infinitim.....

  Anything we try getting comfort from, while in the darkness, will become an idol and a vice. This is the battle ground of addiction. We choose a poor substitute over Gods perfect love. Everyone has done it, none are excempt. No not one!

  However, if we will wait upon The Lord, He will speak to our very souls. What He tells us, in darkness, He wants us to share. Here is where that can get dicey.

  If we share what we were taught, but refuse to say it came while we were in darkness, nobody else will care to listen. We will have a message of hope without a basis for the hope.

  Dear friend, speak about the lonliness, talk about the fear, and in so doing you will cause others to seek God it their dark times. Failure to share about your own darkness will cause those same people to think recovery isn't possible. After all, how could you understand, you aren't familiar with darkness. That's what they will think.

  So share your story. Don't hide any failures. Don't cast light into your dark past. Just tell it like it was and you will draw others out of darkness and into light. Try not to paint yourself as never failing after you found God.

  One last thought. If Romans 7 were not in the Bible, we might have thought Paul never stumbled. Because he chose to be vulnerable, I have hope. I don't think any less of Paul because of his failures. In fact, it makes what he said ever more real to me. 

  Its not easy sharing about the darkness. Being vulnerable seems dangerous. We like to hide the darkness and never bring it up. But that's not the way God wants it done. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


  Today I began to think about tomorrow and boy did it mess me up. I keep trying to teleport my thoughts into the future just hoping to gain the perspective of what I might find there.

  I don't know how Gods prophets did it. How could they gain access to such information and still function in their "todays". Truth be told, so almost couldn't.

  Take Paul for instance. He was caught up into heaven. He saw the glory and beauty of what is beyond this life. Then he was brought back. He said that he would depart and go back, if he had the choice, but Gods will was for him to help the church today.

  I wonder what my future will hold. If I could have just a vision of it I would likely panic or write a book of what I had seen. I find it curious that Paul did neither. He only mentioned the experience in the third person. Its as if he knew that dwelling on the future only brings heartache into today, no matter how wonderful the future may be.

  I get overly anxious about the future. Some call that "future trippin". That's a good way to look at it. I have come from such depravity and darkness I don't even like approaching spiritual shadows. Yet I allow the future to cast shadows into today.

  Please don't freak out about these thoughts. Normally I try and be much more uplifting. I just need to barf out some of the refuse that I find lurking in my soul. I find that true friends are those whom I share my faults with and they still love me.

  Jesus is such a great deliverer. He has reached into the darkest mire and pulled me out. He is scrubbing me clean. Its a bit like cleaning a septic tank, the "stuff" keeps coming. But He is faithful, He will finish the job.

  I really laughed at that septic tank line! I don't think I could use that in church, but that picture really gets it!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines day

  I like holidays that have a mystery surrounding them. Valentines day is no exception. There are plenty of legends and myths associated with the day. One thing is certain, it has been observed for hundreds of years.

  Seeing as it has been celebrated for so long, why do some men take issue with the day?

  Growing up I thought that the day was another contrived hallmark holiday. I would never participate in such commercialism!

  Further messing me up was my dad. His lack of romance and "wooing" is truly epic. So, of course, I ended up with a warped view of the day.

  I want to set some things straight about Valentines day or, at the very least, firmly crooked.

  Women love romance. Big shocker, huh? They may recognize the commercialism of Valentines. They may think its a bit of a gimmic. They may know those flowers will die. They may even tell you that the day is not important. DON'T FALL FOR IT! All around them they will see love flowing. They would like to drink from its streams. They NEED to know that they are captivating your imagination.

  Consider the only rated R book of the Bible, Song of Solomon. The romance is terrific! Theolgical types will say something stodgy like, "Its a metaphor for the church and Christ. The symbolism gives the believer hope in this church age". Aww, ain't that so sweet! C'mon dude, its a romance story! Rated R for romance!

  Sure the Song of Solomon may have doctrinal implications, but what about the practical love it shows? Dear male reader, try and outdo the love you see in that book. You up to that?

  Why do we choose to underplay a day about love? Does not the Bible teach that our marriage is a picture of the love of Christ and the church? Why not proclaim our love louder than any other men? Do you want the pagan and heathen to show their love more than you show yours?

  Hold it now pard'na. Am I saying that we have to compete with the world on Valentines day? Well yes, sort of! However, our love needs to be displayed all the time. People should read First Corinthians chapter 13 and see that love in our marriage. Men, you must take the lead.

  Are you concerned with sharing the gospel? That's excellent, you should be. However, if you do not show love for your bride in a way others understand, why would they listen to you about the love of Christ. You have not demonstrated that love, they won't believe you. Show some grace. Don't argue or fight in front of others. Have some tact man! Better yet, next time show compassion and be kind, don't air your frustrations!

  Men, we must become lovers. We should ravish our wives hearts. They should know that they are beautiful and loved. Go to it! Don't be afraid or nervous, embarassed or shy, just display your love.

  Love her with the passion of Christ!
  With a great desire, desire her!
  Sacrifice yourself for her!
  Be gentle and sweet to her!
  Proclaim your love for her!
  Be giddy in love about her!
  And buy some flowers too you fool!


Monday, February 13, 2012

The Fight

  "Ladies and Gentlemen", (read this in your ring announcer voice), "in this corner, wearing the gold trunks, we have Reasons. He is looking good tonight. His fighting record is undefeated! Oh, but wait dear friend, the contender has just entered the ring. The crowd is going wild, clearly he is the crowd favorite. He has never won a battle but they all love him, Excuses." (Insert crowd noise and applause here)

  The battle between Reasons and Excuses. Seems simple when you read it. Ah, things are never that simple, are they?

   When we have a reason for something, it never brings  guilt or shame. Even if others wonder if your reason is correct, it doesn't matter. There is a reason and others can stuff it.

  But those excuses! We always hope others will see them as reasons. They seldom do! We all try to be kind and gentle, but excuses drive everyone bonkers.

  How do we get from excuses to reasons then? Is there some magic pixie dust we can sprinkle or a cup of unicorn tears we can drink that will magically change us? (By the way, unicorn tear powered cars are awesome!)

  Back to the story.

  Often times we have no reason for something. Take our choice in food. Their is seldom an allergy to something, it is usually just personal choice. Why do we offer excuses for our personal preferences?

  Think about it! We think we are being more acceptable to others by giving them an excuse about food, rather than just saying, "I don't have to have a reason to dislike that food, I just don't".

  Okay, that makes sense for food, but serious matters are much more difficult to deal with. I will ask a tough question then try to answer the question.

  Is it ever ok to offer an excuse for the behavior of myself or someone I love? Keep in mind excuses are at their core lies.

  Um, I was going to answer that but my pen is running low on ink and I don't have another. Darn. Next time folks!

  (Back to the announcer) "Its been an epic battle. The crowd was so excited about the fight. Excuses never got a punch in, but he is so fast on his feet, it took Reason three rounds to knock him down. The first and only punch thrown by Reasons was a knockout blow! Tune in next week friends."

  Next weeks battle (cue the trumpets please)
Compassion versus Enabling, its an epic battle to the death!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The greatest sermon I never heard

  Years ago we had a travelling evangelist visit our church. He talked about lots of important things, but one sermon really stuck. The thing is, I never heard him preach the sermon. The title was awesome.

"One more night with the frogs"

  No, ladies, its not about marriage.

  The story takes place back in Exodus 8:9-10. That's an easy address to remember!

  The Lord had sent the plague of frogs. These frogs were everywhere. Eventually the Pharoah tired of having the problem around and asked Moses to have them removed. The Pharoah promised to let the people go, if the frogs were gone.

  Moses's reply was, "When do you want the frogs gone?"

  Pause here for consideration ---------

  If you were the Pharoah and Moses asked you when you would like the frogs removed, what would your reply be? "As soon as possible please", that's what I would say. Would you spend another night with the frogs?

  Pharoah said, "Tomorrow". Tomorrow! He is a fool! Why not now? Why did Pharoah choose one more night with the frogs?

  Perhaps he thought they might leave on their own. Perhaps the magicians convinced him that they needed just a little more time to take care of the problem themselves. Regardless the reason, Pharoah chose to continue living with the frogs, just one more night.

  What's the point of that sermon? Do you have a "plague or issue" that you are telling God, "Just one more night"?

  Why would we choose to remain in the problem when God can deliver today?

  Again, it the greatest sermon I never heard preached. I will always remember the punchline at the end. I hope I never decide to live with another "frog" another night. How about you?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Fasting part two

  At the start of this sentence I have 7 minutes left on my 24hr fast. I have prayed many times for my friend. It is really amazing how focused my prayer life has been today.

  Will I fast again? Yes. I think that God could lead me to fast again. It was a great experience.

  I am down to two minutes. I am going to pray again then eat a snickers bar. They really satisfy!


  I am in the middle of a fast, a one day fast. To you super-power-fasters out there this blog may seem wussy.

  First some history:

  I have only attempted one fast prior to this one I am on now. My wife and I had been taught about fasting and thought we should give it a try. We heard that first timers should go for one day but the super-duper-spiritual go upwards of five days. We set our sights on three days. 

  We had no real target for this fasting. We had just heard about "revelations" and "insights" God can give you whilst fasting. I think I was trying to leverage God by fasting. 

  To prepare for the fast we consumed a very large meal the night before. It was a very good meal (we spent three days food budget on the meal). We were stuffed and ready to start. Dumb move!

  Somewhere the next day my mind started thinking about the leftovers. I was entering into dilemma land.

  My wife and I came to the same conclusion. Maybe a one day fast would be better. I think we might have made it the 24hrs on sheer will power alone.  

  Honestly, I haven't spent much time thinking about it since. Those who fast always seemed strange to me and I wasn't really interested, until last night. (Cue the dramatic music here)

  A dear brother in Christ is having a crisis in his marriage. Divorce looks probable. My heart cries for him and his possible loss. It tears me up. I wept at the news. He has been trying so hard to rescue the marriage. I hope he doesn't leave anything on the table. He needs to be able to pray, "Lord, I am giving all, please help rescue the marriage and hold me close even if it fails".

  While talking about his struggle someone mentioned fasting and praying for the situation. I thought about that nice loaf of artisan bread I had just gotten and the soup I was going to have with it. Could I sacrifice these things to focus on prayer for my friend? I love my friend more than food. I entered into the covenant.

  I think having a focused target is the key to fasting. Anytime I am having a desire for food my mind remembers my friend and I pray again. My heart breaks for him more than my tummy aches for food.

  I think I finally understand fasting. Oh sure its painful and difficult, but I really want to pray.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

A patient spirit

  Often times in life I am incredibly impulsive. I get an idea in my head that I need to purchase something, then I obsess over it until I do. What a nightmare!

  I think marketers have been aware of my impulsivity for years. The stock the isles in the stores with the things they want me to buy in such a way that those things "catch" my eye. This is most apparent at the checkout.

  The checkout has lots of little trinkets, snacks, magazines, and sodas. Each targeting a specific group of people. Think about how often you travel down the candy or magazine isles, likely not much. But everytime you shop you see candy and magazines, cause they place them in our way at checkout.

  I wish my impulsiveness was limited to the few dollars spent at the checkout. Alas, I suffer from deeper issues.

  "Instant Gratification" is what causes the most grief. Its not that the things I want are bad or wrong, I should just be patient and get them at the proper time.

  So what do I do about it?

  A good friend and I discussed this today. We came up with a plan. Call a friend before making an "impulsive" puchase. This doesn't have to be for a small item, rather it should help guard us from bigger items (say $50 or more).

  Obviously, prayer and contact with God has to be active in the picture. The money is His after all. Before all! Right?

  Those times that I kick myself for being so impulsive seem to come and go. I seldom remember in time to stop myself.

  I have yet to purchase anything that really changed my life on an impulse. When I plan out my purchases, pray about them, then go ahead, I never get "burned". Oh sure, I have bought things that I was sure were ok then they weren't, but God measures the heart.

  I hope I get better with God's money in the future. He sure is trusting a dummy with it!   

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The sly serpent

  That ole serpent is a crafty one indeed. The Bible speaks of him as being a lion, seeking whom he may devour. He has millions of tricks for tripping people up. And he has no compassion for anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

  He is our adversary. His schemes often go unnoticed by us until it is too late. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy.

  Why does he take such an interest in us? What value does he achieve by making us fail? Are we able to defeat him or at least thwart his plans? Can we just "bind him up"?

  I don't subscribe to the "bind him up" kind of prayers. I see nobody in the entire cannon of scripture once bind up Satan and his plans. God certainly does, we however don't have that ability. (The section that talks about things being bound on earth by us should closely be studied, its not talking about Satan)

  And why would we think we did have the power to "bind him up"? Satan has been given power and authority, but only as much as God will allow. So then our battle is not with Satan. He may buffet us, throw flaming arrows at us, tempt us, but God always provides a way out.

  The battle is: Will we choose to give in to our desires or will we choose the escape God has provided?

  That is tougher to answer than it might seem. Some avenues that are provided for escape are no fun at all. They often seem more difficult than staying. If we are given over to failures in the past, escape may seem impossible.

  Insert a bible story here....

  Let's consider Joe. Joe was a good man, honorable in all his ways. The bosses wife "liked" Joe. One day she grabs him and starts pulling him towards the bed. What's a man to do?  What would you do? An opportunity to have casual sex, with no commitment, doesn't come along every day! Did Joe ever think about this before?

  Joe remains true to God. He runs for the door. she is insulted. He gets thrown in prison on false rape charges, but he is still honorable.   

  You likely are familiar with the story. Joe ends up being rescued from prison, by God, and ends up saving his entire family.

  What if you didn't know the end of the story? What if all you knew was he ran, then went to prison? Would you think him smart to choose prison over sex? He didn't know prison was going to happen, he just saw the door and ran, leaving the Devil eating dust.

  God's way out sent Joe to prison.

  Compare our own lives to that! We worry more about what people will think than what God will think! We often worry about our appearance more than offending God! Oh my! Forget prison, what about my pride?!!

  "What if I offend this woman by not 'being nice and polite' back?"

  Forget that! She is NEVER worth it. Nothing about her is! No matter how sweet and innocent she may be, if you get "that feeling" about her, run dear friend! Don't look back. Her ways go down into the pit. Destruction is her end. Nothing good will ever come by staying.

  She is being used by Satan to overthrow God's purpose in your life.

  Is she satanic? Most likely, no! She may be the most sweet, church going, God fearing, woman around. Let her get in your head, POW!, a satan sucker punch.

  What do you do when you see her? Freak out and run away? Nope. Let's be real here. We have to function in a real society.
  So, just be distant. No engaging conversations. No lingering looks. No compliments on her attire. Act like a dweeb. Make her want to walk away, not because you were rude, but because you are a dull dweeb. If she likes dull dweebs, run man run! 

  "But Joshua, we are only friends, nothing more. I think it's ok if we ___________. " Fill in the blank. Has she caught your "attention"? If yes, nothing you put in the blank is safe. Deal with it dude. 

  Let's stop pretending we are playing a game with the Devil. He only wants us destroyed. He only stops if God makes him. God has given us the strength to get thru any attack. Don't give an inch to the Devil. You are fighting for God's holy home. Defend it well.