Friday, February 10, 2012


  I am in the middle of a fast, a one day fast. To you super-power-fasters out there this blog may seem wussy.

  First some history:

  I have only attempted one fast prior to this one I am on now. My wife and I had been taught about fasting and thought we should give it a try. We heard that first timers should go for one day but the super-duper-spiritual go upwards of five days. We set our sights on three days. 

  We had no real target for this fasting. We had just heard about "revelations" and "insights" God can give you whilst fasting. I think I was trying to leverage God by fasting. 

  To prepare for the fast we consumed a very large meal the night before. It was a very good meal (we spent three days food budget on the meal). We were stuffed and ready to start. Dumb move!

  Somewhere the next day my mind started thinking about the leftovers. I was entering into dilemma land.

  My wife and I came to the same conclusion. Maybe a one day fast would be better. I think we might have made it the 24hrs on sheer will power alone.  

  Honestly, I haven't spent much time thinking about it since. Those who fast always seemed strange to me and I wasn't really interested, until last night. (Cue the dramatic music here)

  A dear brother in Christ is having a crisis in his marriage. Divorce looks probable. My heart cries for him and his possible loss. It tears me up. I wept at the news. He has been trying so hard to rescue the marriage. I hope he doesn't leave anything on the table. He needs to be able to pray, "Lord, I am giving all, please help rescue the marriage and hold me close even if it fails".

  While talking about his struggle someone mentioned fasting and praying for the situation. I thought about that nice loaf of artisan bread I had just gotten and the soup I was going to have with it. Could I sacrifice these things to focus on prayer for my friend? I love my friend more than food. I entered into the covenant.

  I think having a focused target is the key to fasting. Anytime I am having a desire for food my mind remembers my friend and I pray again. My heart breaks for him more than my tummy aches for food.

  I think I finally understand fasting. Oh sure its painful and difficult, but I really want to pray.  

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