Monday, February 6, 2012

A patient spirit

  Often times in life I am incredibly impulsive. I get an idea in my head that I need to purchase something, then I obsess over it until I do. What a nightmare!

  I think marketers have been aware of my impulsivity for years. The stock the isles in the stores with the things they want me to buy in such a way that those things "catch" my eye. This is most apparent at the checkout.

  The checkout has lots of little trinkets, snacks, magazines, and sodas. Each targeting a specific group of people. Think about how often you travel down the candy or magazine isles, likely not much. But everytime you shop you see candy and magazines, cause they place them in our way at checkout.

  I wish my impulsiveness was limited to the few dollars spent at the checkout. Alas, I suffer from deeper issues.

  "Instant Gratification" is what causes the most grief. Its not that the things I want are bad or wrong, I should just be patient and get them at the proper time.

  So what do I do about it?

  A good friend and I discussed this today. We came up with a plan. Call a friend before making an "impulsive" puchase. This doesn't have to be for a small item, rather it should help guard us from bigger items (say $50 or more).

  Obviously, prayer and contact with God has to be active in the picture. The money is His after all. Before all! Right?

  Those times that I kick myself for being so impulsive seem to come and go. I seldom remember in time to stop myself.

  I have yet to purchase anything that really changed my life on an impulse. When I plan out my purchases, pray about them, then go ahead, I never get "burned". Oh sure, I have bought things that I was sure were ok then they weren't, but God measures the heart.

  I hope I get better with God's money in the future. He sure is trusting a dummy with it!   

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