Saturday, February 11, 2012

The greatest sermon I never heard

  Years ago we had a travelling evangelist visit our church. He talked about lots of important things, but one sermon really stuck. The thing is, I never heard him preach the sermon. The title was awesome.

"One more night with the frogs"

  No, ladies, its not about marriage.

  The story takes place back in Exodus 8:9-10. That's an easy address to remember!

  The Lord had sent the plague of frogs. These frogs were everywhere. Eventually the Pharoah tired of having the problem around and asked Moses to have them removed. The Pharoah promised to let the people go, if the frogs were gone.

  Moses's reply was, "When do you want the frogs gone?"

  Pause here for consideration ---------

  If you were the Pharoah and Moses asked you when you would like the frogs removed, what would your reply be? "As soon as possible please", that's what I would say. Would you spend another night with the frogs?

  Pharoah said, "Tomorrow". Tomorrow! He is a fool! Why not now? Why did Pharoah choose one more night with the frogs?

  Perhaps he thought they might leave on their own. Perhaps the magicians convinced him that they needed just a little more time to take care of the problem themselves. Regardless the reason, Pharoah chose to continue living with the frogs, just one more night.

  What's the point of that sermon? Do you have a "plague or issue" that you are telling God, "Just one more night"?

  Why would we choose to remain in the problem when God can deliver today?

  Again, it the greatest sermon I never heard preached. I will always remember the punchline at the end. I hope I never decide to live with another "frog" another night. How about you?

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