Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines day

  I like holidays that have a mystery surrounding them. Valentines day is no exception. There are plenty of legends and myths associated with the day. One thing is certain, it has been observed for hundreds of years.

  Seeing as it has been celebrated for so long, why do some men take issue with the day?

  Growing up I thought that the day was another contrived hallmark holiday. I would never participate in such commercialism!

  Further messing me up was my dad. His lack of romance and "wooing" is truly epic. So, of course, I ended up with a warped view of the day.

  I want to set some things straight about Valentines day or, at the very least, firmly crooked.

  Women love romance. Big shocker, huh? They may recognize the commercialism of Valentines. They may think its a bit of a gimmic. They may know those flowers will die. They may even tell you that the day is not important. DON'T FALL FOR IT! All around them they will see love flowing. They would like to drink from its streams. They NEED to know that they are captivating your imagination.

  Consider the only rated R book of the Bible, Song of Solomon. The romance is terrific! Theolgical types will say something stodgy like, "Its a metaphor for the church and Christ. The symbolism gives the believer hope in this church age". Aww, ain't that so sweet! C'mon dude, its a romance story! Rated R for romance!

  Sure the Song of Solomon may have doctrinal implications, but what about the practical love it shows? Dear male reader, try and outdo the love you see in that book. You up to that?

  Why do we choose to underplay a day about love? Does not the Bible teach that our marriage is a picture of the love of Christ and the church? Why not proclaim our love louder than any other men? Do you want the pagan and heathen to show their love more than you show yours?

  Hold it now pard'na. Am I saying that we have to compete with the world on Valentines day? Well yes, sort of! However, our love needs to be displayed all the time. People should read First Corinthians chapter 13 and see that love in our marriage. Men, you must take the lead.

  Are you concerned with sharing the gospel? That's excellent, you should be. However, if you do not show love for your bride in a way others understand, why would they listen to you about the love of Christ. You have not demonstrated that love, they won't believe you. Show some grace. Don't argue or fight in front of others. Have some tact man! Better yet, next time show compassion and be kind, don't air your frustrations!

  Men, we must become lovers. We should ravish our wives hearts. They should know that they are beautiful and loved. Go to it! Don't be afraid or nervous, embarassed or shy, just display your love.

  Love her with the passion of Christ!
  With a great desire, desire her!
  Sacrifice yourself for her!
  Be gentle and sweet to her!
  Proclaim your love for her!
  Be giddy in love about her!
  And buy some flowers too you fool!


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