Thursday, February 16, 2012

Into the dark

Matthew 10:27 What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops.

  How many times have you read this verse? Dozens, perhaps hundreds? I only just understood this verse yesterday. I learn quick!

  What is this "darkness" that is being spoken of? Is it a place where God isn't? Well, no, it can't be. He says He will tell you stuff there.

  Is it a literal dark place? I don't think God is referring to us needing to cut the lights to hear Him.

  So what is it? I propose it is a place where you are frightened, feel alone, and you quietly wait upon The Lord. In that place God will give you some words and likely a vision.

  Let's not get all mystical and weird about "the vision" stuff. Just understand that God can show you what you can be, if you let Him have His way. Oh what a glorious thought that is!

  But that darkness is so terrifying. Nobody likes to be plunged into a place where we feel all alone and lost. The Bible speaks in many places about "groping in darkness". Stop groping. We often grasp at anything we can feel in hopes of getting out of the darkness.

  Off the top of my head, here is a list of things people grope for in the darkness:
Food (darn I already said that)
Clothing and fashion
Video games
Ad infinitim.....

  Anything we try getting comfort from, while in the darkness, will become an idol and a vice. This is the battle ground of addiction. We choose a poor substitute over Gods perfect love. Everyone has done it, none are excempt. No not one!

  However, if we will wait upon The Lord, He will speak to our very souls. What He tells us, in darkness, He wants us to share. Here is where that can get dicey.

  If we share what we were taught, but refuse to say it came while we were in darkness, nobody else will care to listen. We will have a message of hope without a basis for the hope.

  Dear friend, speak about the lonliness, talk about the fear, and in so doing you will cause others to seek God it their dark times. Failure to share about your own darkness will cause those same people to think recovery isn't possible. After all, how could you understand, you aren't familiar with darkness. That's what they will think.

  So share your story. Don't hide any failures. Don't cast light into your dark past. Just tell it like it was and you will draw others out of darkness and into light. Try not to paint yourself as never failing after you found God.

  One last thought. If Romans 7 were not in the Bible, we might have thought Paul never stumbled. Because he chose to be vulnerable, I have hope. I don't think any less of Paul because of his failures. In fact, it makes what he said ever more real to me. 

  Its not easy sharing about the darkness. Being vulnerable seems dangerous. We like to hide the darkness and never bring it up. But that's not the way God wants it done. 

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