Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Despicable me

  I really like the movie Despicable Me. Tonight I watched it at my companies drop yard (in Bloomington, Ca). It was really strange.

  Most off the time the guys end up talking about all sorts of improper things and I end up leaving. Tonight, however, Despicable Me came on. The fellows ended up talking about their favorite cartoons from childhood. A couple of them even talked about watching that movie with their kids.

  There was a tough looking, grisled, dude who sat down and watched the entire movie. He, like me, was very touched by the message of the movie. I could see a little pain in his eyes. When the movie ended he hustled outside very quikly. If he is anything like me, seeing that ending really sucks when he thinks about what kind of a dad he has been.

  The conversation during the movie was unlike any other I have ever heard in a truckers lounge. I was eating it up. For a brief moment those men showed that they could be softer. Just a little glimpse into how real men can be.  

  As a man, I am expected to be tough. While I agree that men should be tough, I don't think I understood what being strong really is. It takes real men to be able to watch a cartoon together. Truly an amazing evening. I hope it happens again sometime.

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