Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Happy first birthday Neptune

  Neptune just turned one, a couple of weeks ago! True! The scientists who discovered Neptune, discovered it one year ago. Unbelievable? Well sure, if its a Earth year you were thinking of. What about a Neptunian year?

  Neptune orbits the sun about once every 165 Earth years. So Neptune is back in the same location where it was first discovered back in 1846. Hence, it just turned one.

  Kind of puts time in perspective huh? It stumped me at first also. I was like, "I learned all about Neptune growing up. What kind of crazy nuts-o thinks its only one year old?"

  I imagine that time, from Gods perspective, is kinda like this. I run around freaking out about time then this story pops up! Its all relative and God understands it all. Remarkable.

  So it turns out I am only 1/4 of a year old. Ahh to be young again!

  Up next I have to figure out my astrological information. It happens to be that Pluto was really important in figuring out my horoscope. No wonder my life has been so screwy. All my readings had Pluto as a planet. Having the wrong number of planets surely threw the calculations off a bit! Now I know my readings will be right! Yippie!

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