Friday, July 29, 2011


  What comes into your mind when you think about closure? Do you imagine it being good or bad? Easy or difficult? Both at the same time?

  I suppose closure is mostly difficult. We would not be dwelling on it, if it were an easy thing. But determining if it is good or bad is not nearly as simple.

  Usually closure involves a dream dying. A dream that sometimes took a lifetime to achieve. This dreams passage can bring much grief. It is to this grief I want to speak.

  God sees our dreams. He knows our desires. Often He shares those very same hopes. But He doesn't get clouded by objects, rather He sees the people. The Temple is a good illustration.

  God's people had spent years building the Temple. This Temple was Davids biggest ambition. David was refused when he requested that God charter his goal of building the Temple. Although David was not allowed to build it, he saved up the materials that would one day build it. David devoted himself to this end, content that his son could do what he could not. 

  Then came Solomon, the wise guy. It was he who realised Davids dream of the temple. When finished, God came down and dwelt with the people. What a glorious day!

  The nation then yo-yoed between good and bad kings. The temple was destroyed and rebuilt numerous times. Finally the day came when God said that it was over.

  Jeremiah was devestated. He was so disturbed he wrote the book of Lamentations. He poured out his soul. The grief he had was beyond conception. He thought God was gone and that joy could not return. He was wrong.

  Sure, God had left the building. Gods next move was to join in His creation! Jesus came and dwelt among men. This took a while to happen but God knew what He was doing. The Temple was only a shadow of the glory that was coming. Oh if only Jeremiah could have known the great things God had in store! 

  Today the Temple isn't thought of in these terms. I am not sure anyone who visits there is truly aware that God once dwelt there. Instead we christians focus on Jesus who walked outside the Temple. This Temple has some value to us, but not nearly as much as Jesus does. We cannot conceive of God living in a building, when He dwells inside of us!

  Then, one day, the apostles had to say goodbye to Jesus. There was much grief. Jesus was to be crucified. How could this be? The apostles struggled thru this time only to have Jesus say that He was returning to the Father. What now? That's when they got the promise of the Holy Ghost! He will remain with us until the end. 

  How do I apply this today? Why am I bringing up closure? Let me describe some painful closure going on right now.

  I have just gotten off the phone with a wonderful woman (my momma). She is going through some closure in her life. It is so rough, I feel like writing the 2nd book of Lamentations. I wonder when Gods glory will be revealed. Will it happen quickly or slowly? I know it will happen.

  Does knowing that God is in control help? Not if you are His enemy! But to those who love the Lord, it can be comforting. He says that a bruised reed, He will not break.  A smoldering ember, He will not quench.

  Tonight I pray for my mom. I know she reads these letters. I wish I had the words that could comfort her. Heck, I wish I was a warrior and could go to battle for her. I really liked it when David had a show down with Goliath. Could I not be granted a dispensation to open up a can of whoop a** on the enemy! No? Well ok.

  Such is the way it goes. I must sit, watch, and pray for my mom as she traverses this rough time. She knows that God is beside her. She knows many people that love her and pray for her. She is not fighting alone.

  Godspeed to you mom. May Jesus draw you closer than ever before. May this day of closure bring with it new vistas of freedom.

Mom, I love you.   

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