Monday, August 1, 2011


  Ok, I don't have a problem with power. I have a problem with being powerless.

  Maybe I should write a list of all the things I have no power over. Wow, that could be a long list! Perhaps a list of things I do have power over.

Here goes. My list of thing that I have power over:

  Whew! I am spent. That's a difficult thing to write so much. Hope I didn't forget anything. Do you have any items I may have forgotten?

  I enjoy putting a humorist spin on rough things. I guess if something is funny it shouldn't hurt. The things still hurt but I have a better perspective on them.

  Let me freak out a bit here. I hate having no power. I hate not knowing what is going to happen. For that matter, I hate not knowing what is happening. This is one of the largest challenges I encounter.

  I can't get my stupid head to straighten out around this. I get all spun out and bent up. I cry out to God. He says, "Be patient". I can't control patience! Patience just happens.

  I feel like a blind guy. Jesus walks over and heals me. Then I look around and say, "Lord, I don't like what I see". Ok that story is 100% wrong. I am more like a guy who thought I could see, then was healed, only to discover I can't see those things I cared about. That's reality.

  This powerless issue crept up and bit me. For a couple of days it has been dogging me. Acceptance, prayer, talking, reading, and listening. I do these things and they help very much.

  Well that's where I am at. Not very articulate in my thoughts today. Like the doctor said to the patient with a kidney stone, "This too shall pass".


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