Friday, December 23, 2011

The Plinth

  Christmas is upon us (sneaks up quickly, huh). The sights, sounds, and memories surround us this very special time of year. As Christians, we place very special meanings on everything we do for the holiday.

  Without lights, eggnog, decorations, a tree, presents, or anything we would recognize as "Christmas", The Lord Jesus stepped into human form as a baby. He took upon himself this humanity so that he could purchase our freedom. Fully man and fully God, Jesus came into the world and we celebrate that fact.

  Oh sure, we get lost in the hustle and bustle of the season. Zooming thru stores we seldom remember why in fact we are there. We don't often think about sharing our rejoicing, we get mired in the process of giving. Bah humbug. On the other hand, sometimes life is really rough at Christmas and we have pain, unspeakable pain.

  How then, O Lord, shall we rejoice in the midst of our lifes turmoils? He answers gently, "Cast your cares upon me".

  We must lay hold upon the precious gift ,take this season and its burdens, and give gifts like God gave his gift.

  And Rejoice! When we sing or dance during this season let it be fervently. Let the love from above produce in us great joy. Eric Ludy said, "Don't pray that you will have joy, rather pray that the God of Joy will fill you. Don't pray that you will have peace, pray that the God of peace will fill you!"  We don't seek an artificial joy and peace, we want the real thing.

  The Prince of Peace came into our world! Humbly, as a baby, he arrived. Perfect love he carries. All joy is in his arms. 

Decorate for Jesus,
Give gifts for Jesus,
Send cards for Jesus,
Sing songs to Jesus,
Dance for Jesus,
Have a feast for Jesus,
Getting the idea yet?
Do it ALL for Him.

  Oh what great love Jesus bestowed upon us! I erect a plinth in my life. The plinth is simply, "Do all things thru Christ who strengthens me", including Christmas. Upon this plinth, I ask God to erect a man who loves God back and communes with Jesus continually. 

  Join me in a prayer.

  Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God,
  I ask you to fill me with your peace and joy. I give gifts, cards and love to others as an expression of your great gift to me. Help me to place you at the center of Christmas. Renew my love for the festivities and bind my heart with gratitude this Christmas. Thank you Lord for your precious gift.  In Jesus name, amen.  


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