Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Prayers for Tricia

  I met Tricia in Tacoma a couple of days ago. I was walking into the truck stop and she asked me for a couple of dollars to help with gas. I asked her what was going on. She told me that she needed to get to Portland for a job opportunity. She said that she felt really awkward asking for money and that she was worried that truckers might think she would want to "earn" some money.

  Normally I never give people money. I sensed that I should give her some, so I gave her a fiver and wished her well. I also told her that maybe looking for wedding rings on the fingers of the truckers might be a way to help her with her fears. She showed me her wedding ring and said that she was faithful but unsure if the truckers were. Again, I wished her well and said goodbye.

  Today I am down in Portland. I had a guy ask me for money so he could mail a package. Unique approach to be sure. I told him no then thought back to Tricia. I wondered if she made it. Did I do the right thing?

  Tricia walked up about ten minutes later. She appeared to be really struggling. She said, "I know you helped me once, but things are harder now and I need help getting back to Tacoma."  I told her that I couldn't help her again.

  Tricia stayed at my truck and talked for a bit. Tricia had a prospect for a job in Portland but didn't make it soon enough. The job was given to someone else. She said she was unsure what the future holds. I swallowed my sympathy and wished her well.

  As she walked away, I began to worry for her. How could I wish her well without actually helping? Was God asking me to give her more money? How do you figure this out quickly?

  I said a fast prayer. I realised that I could not stand myself if I did not offer more help. I walked the trucks and found her. I told her, "I get asked all the time by people for money, I never give them any, I can't be sure they aren't being hurt by the money." As I handed her a ten, she truly looked amazed. We talked some more.

  She told me her story. She was taking care of an elderly lady, kind of a home nurse, and the lady passed away. She said that its tough because she is unlicensed. The elderly lady had provided her with an income as well as a place to live. Now she is potentially homeless, jobless and doesn't know what to do.

  She said that she was going to try the shelters. She is scared about those places. She had been in one years ago and was deeply troubled to go back.

  As Tricia started to talk about her former patient, she began crying and missing her. 

  Let me tell you where I am at. I know that Tricia is in a tough place. I wanted to help much more. I asked how much fuel she had. She had enough to make it back to Tacoma. I asked her name then told her I would pray for her.

  I hope Tricia is going to be ok.

  I often find that I have no idea what Gods will is, in these type circumstances. When I mentioned prayer, Tricia looked very hopeful. My prayer is that she knows God and is saved.

  I wrote this blog to remind me to pray for her. Also, I want to pray that God will give me wisdom in these circumstances and that I would faithfully share Him with others. Please join me in these prayers. 

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