Wednesday, December 28, 2011

You are so dreamy

  As dreams go, this one was extreemly realistic. It involved a picnic and family reunion. There was the normal confusion that comes when dreaming but there was three very poiniant things.

  The first was a house I came across while shopping at yard sales. This yard sale seemed normal at first, but I began to notice some very familiar things. There were pictures of my family from years gone by. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, and other extended family. That's when I began to notice the contents of the sale, everything was in perfect condition and everything belonged to someone in my family. Toys, tools, photos, it was all there. I ran and got my family and they came and looked. The thing that stands out in my mind was a purple bike with chrome trimmings. The bike looked like it was from the 1950's.

  Next came a bike ride. Nobody had the purple bike. Everyone was going to ride into town, get some lunch, and shop at the downtown stores. Somehow it took me a while to get back to the picnic area and when I arrived someone else was riding my bike and everyone was gone. I was left behind.

  This began the third thing. I had some friends and my wife try and explain why I couldn't go on the ride (why weren't they on the ride? Dreams!). Whatever they said made sense to them, not me. It seems that there was not enough bikes and I was the logical choice to leave out. I asked if anybody seemed sad that I couldn't go. This question upset my wife.

  I don't have the ability to write down all the nuances of my dream. It had great volumes of information. Moments that I felt terror and others where I felt loneliness. Many people talked with me. I was unable to process what was said.

  Dreams aren't reliable as a source of information. We can understand a little about issues in our life, but only a little. God can inspire dreams, I don't think He inspired this one. That being said, let me try and interpret this dream a little. Oh boy what fun!

  The house full of memories was my way of imagining my families past. It was so cool seeing all the toys of my distant relatives.

  The bike ride was a picture of this Christmas. I was unable to be around for Christmas and it emerged in a dream.

  I left something out of the last part. My wife and I went on a long walk. Oh boy was she upset! She was incredulous as to why I didn't understand about the bike ride. I just couldn't get it. I've never seen her so mad! I think this part deals with my fear of being unaware of others feelings. That's my guess anyways.

  Dear friend, dreams can't always be trusted. They are at best figures of issues we face. When a dream has as much information as this one did it freaks me out. Most dreams are stored in short term memory and they fade fast after I awaken. This one has staying power. It exposes my fears and hopes.

  It would be cool to find a house of memories tho!


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