Monday, December 5, 2011

The Tract

  I awoke today and went into the truck stop to wash my face and prepare for the day. When I arrived back at the truck there was a gospel tract in the door handle. I don't know when it was placed there cause I don't use the handle to shut the door.

  The tract was a Chick Tract called, "This was your life". The tract was from a baptist chuch in MO, Missouri right? That tract travelled a long ways to find my door!

  I have only been given a tract once in my life, in person I mean. It was at the Orange Show fairgrounds in San Bernardino, Ca. The guy treated me to a good dose of distain because I was going to the fair. I had told the guy that I was a christian (I wasn't) and he acted like going to the fair was an indication that I was lost. But he tried.

  That is my point, trying. How is it that I could live for 38 years in this country and only have been given one tract in person?

  I know that some places get lots of exposure to tracts. Many people grow weary of having to deal with pushy christian salesmen. I understand.

  However, it is a good thing, as a christian, to have a tract or some sort of literature at the ready to be able to give to someone. The opportunity to hand them to someone seems to just happen sometimes. Regretfully, I have not always been prepared for this eventuality.

  One more side note here. Seat belts fastened and trays in the upright and locked position.

  In Acts chapter three we see Peter and John strolling into the temple. A crippled beggar asked of them an alms. "Alms for the poor, Alms for the poor". Anyways, the apostles were like, "Hey dude, we be broke but here is a healing from Jesus". They offered something the guy needed. He needed money but with health he could get money. Dude healed, problem solved. He knew it was from Jesus and testified as such.

  Here's the thing, we sometimes encounter a beggar and think, "Now here's a fellow who really needs this tract and will be an easy target". Notice the problem? You judged this guy as needing Christ more than others. Also, you likely didn't meet his physical need and rather switched to spiritual without regard to the physical need. If (and this is a huge IF) your concern for this person was placed on you by God, then take the time to meet the need. Money can be dangerous but a burger always delights.    

  Am I clear enough? The beggar is not likely to care about what you say if you don't care about where they are at. Imagine Peter and John handing the cripple a tract and moving on. Would that have been recorded in Gods word? Not likely. Sure we see a miracle performed, but we also see compassion.

  The Holy Spirit can lead us in those type of situations. We encounter beggars all the time, at least I do. If I gave them all even a small amount of money, I would go broke. If I throw Jesus into the equation, suddenly it all works. He will direct me to the ones I can help. Sincerity is the key.

  As I have heard said, "We are all just beggars showing each other where to find The Bread".

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