Monday, May 23, 2011

El Kabong

  I am remembering how silly the old cartoons were. I loved them. El Kabong was one of those that I would watch every Sat morning.

  I thought at the time that cartoons were the leading edge of good tv. What else could possibly be as good as a funny cartoon after school? I never thought I would grow out of them. It was unthinkable.

  El Kabong was a superhero. He was a champion and he was a goof. Ok maybe superhero is a stretch!

  Like some superheros he switched identities. His normal identity was "Quick Draw McGraw". Then he would switch into El Kabong. With a, "Oooo Laayyy", he would swoop in and save the day by thumping the bad guys with his guitar. The sound would go "Kabong". Ahh sweet memories!

  I imagine my parents thought cartoons either caused brain damage or were created by people with brain damage. They were right! Woohoo!

  So here is a big Hurrah to those old cartoons. Perhaps you could go youtube some of your old favorites.

  Times were so much simpler then, weren't they? I could list so many that I had long forgotten. Yet, they live on in cyberspace.

  So kick back, open a Cactus Cooler (soft drink from southern California), get a bag of corn nuts, and relive some fond memories. You are never to old to enjoy them.

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