Wednesday, May 18, 2011


  Today I went and got my groceries for the next two weeks. This normal activity, for most, creates a huge battlefield in my life.

  For starters, there is the obvious stuff. There are people crowding the aisles. The lines at the checkout are way too long. Food prices seem outrageous. Parking the truck causes its own headaches. And, I never know what it is I really want to buy.

  All those items I am sure you relate to. Including the parking the truck bit. Parking lots suck. I always forget to park by the cart return. If I park by the return, the car can get extra dings because of the carts. Then, if I park far away, I feel guilty for not feeling good about the extra walking I am doing (this fat guy could use some good walking).

  Let me share about the other problems I encounter when I walk into the grocery store.

  I eat the same stuff most of the time. I have a somewhat limited choice about what I can buy. I can't really buy uncooked food cause it doesn't store well in the truck. So my choices are limited to canned or frozen food. Wow, imagine the variety that affords!

  I did learn a little trick to being ok with this limited food choice. I rotate the food I will buy. So for a couple of weeks I will buy a bunch of some things. Then the next time, I will buy the other things. This seems like it wouldn't work very well. But it does. I only get tired of eating things every two weeks instead of daily. I am really tired of ramen though (how much can one man take!).

  This brings me to the people. At first I didn't notice why I would get agitated after being around those people. It takes only a few minutes and I start getting very uneasy. I start to become flustered and ready to bolt for the door.

  I have thought about the phenomena of my agitation and have found the problem. There are moms shopping for their families. There are dads picking up a few things on the way home. There are children trying to put sweets into the cart and the parents trying to put them back. You get the picture. The problem is, I used to dread going shopping. Now, I see the families doing this family thing and I wish I could participate.

  I was never aware how much shopping was a family activity. I am surrounded by people who are going about this tedious activity without even being aware of how richly blessed they are to be able to do it. I know I was never aware of the blessing of it.

  So today I dream about the future of shopping. I want to remember these painful days so I can be grateful. I want to grow in my spiritual life because of this awareness. When I get the privilege to shop for (or with) those I love I want to cherish it. I want to count this blessing while it is happening.

  I don't know when this battle will be won. I fight it like clockwork every two weeks. I do get small victories.  Here is an example, I have gone shopping with both of my parents. I didn't think about the other people and their families. Mine were present with me. And I totally enjoyed the company.  

  I am not trying to be a boo bear. I don't want you feeling all sorts of bad for me. Just remember in your own life, there are seemingly tedious things that you do for your family, and that it is a blessing to be able to do them. It is an expession of your love for them that you do these things (at least it should be).

  In the battle of shopping I have learned of the Lord. He has taught me to cherish and hold dear the very thing I used to not like. It is a blessing and a privilege to serve my family. I would even count it an honor and priviledge to hold my wife's purse for her while she tries on a dress (yikes really! You betcha). 
  So, my attitude about shopping is changing. I watch and learn. Most of all, I thank the Lord for showing me how wonderful the gift of a family to love and serve really is.

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