Tuesday, May 24, 2011

An answer to prayer

  A friend called me this morning to tell me about an answered prayer. Only a couple of days ago, he was really upset with someone in his life. We talked about it for a while and came to the conclusion that praying for the individual would help. We read a verse about how to do it.

  We also set about memorizing the verse we read, in order to have that verse "at the ready" for future battles with other people.

  The verse we are memorizing is:

Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you,
Love your enemies,
Bless them that curse you,
do good to them that hate you,
and pray for them which despitefully use you,
and persecute you

  So God up and answers his prayer. Its like if we do what he says and love like he does, God promises us a joyful answer! Who woulda thunk it!

  I celebrate my friends answered prayer. I know that God has set him free from what seemed like an impossible situation.

  The future will hold more battles, undoubtedly. There will always be persons that we don't get along with. I implore myself to reach out to God today and stay walking with him daily.

  When I keep my eyes on the saviour, he has promised me a lifetime of love and companionship. He cares for me. Even in the smallest of matters, he demonstrates to me that he will take action.

  The most obvious thing that he has done is given me a new heart. Like the verse said, I have love for my enemies. Ok, not all the time. Its a work in progress over here!

  Crying out to him is commonplace in my life now. I stumble along bumping into people and problems along the way. He has laid out a perfectly staight path for me to journey on. I am sure from God's perspective its like watching me play pinball. Bouncing, always bouncing.

And yet, like a good father, he loves me anyways. He has promised to be by my side and talk to me even when I blow it big time. Oh what a great God we can know! Do you know him? I would love it if you also knew my heavenly father.

  He answers prayers. My friend just told me of one. Curiously, the prayer was anwered, even when my friend had been given peace and expected no change. It is as if God gave him comfort, then changed the situation, once my friend turned over his will to God.

  Will God always answer my prayers? Yep. Sometimes the answer is something I don't like. But he loves me and always decides on the best. I promise you this, when I meet God in the future, I will know he was always correct.

  The challenge for me has always been letting go and letting God. Someone told me to "let go or be dragged". Deep spiritual stuff!
  Thanks be to God who gives answers to prayer. Undeserving of any good things (I can find lots who will agree with that!), I am constantly aware just how truly awesome God is. He has made all things new and answered yet one more prayer in the life of a worthless yet redeemed sinner.

Oh praise the Lord! Praise him! Praise him! He is worthy to be praised. In my darkest hours he carries me. Thank you Lord!

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