Friday, May 20, 2011

Interpretive dance

  I have been very curious over the years about this topic.

  I have always thought that interpretive dance was a strange thing to want to do. This goes back to the days of my youth when I first saw it. Upon first seeing it, I thought to myself, this is goofy and doesn't belong in church. Having set my opinion about the subject, I made it a heartfelt belief of mine.

  Years went by and I didn't think much about it. I had joined a church that also believed as I did. I even heard the pastor speak against it from the pulpit. His teaching helped set my opinion even more on the subject.

  Then recently my wife posted a video that had been filmed at our new church. Some would say, including me, that the video was showing interpretive dance. And it was beautiful. It demonstrated the life of a young christian who gets drawn away by her friends. Then Jesus helps her to win the battle. And all is well.

  So what am I to do? I have always struggled with this type of worship.

  In comes the Bible to the rescue. Surely it must have verses speaking to this. I mean, my pastor taught about it and I believed it, so surely I could rely on the Bible to offer great council on the subject.

  Nope! I can't find a single verse to support my belief. Horror of horrors! I had believed and taught something that I couldn't support scripturally. Wow, what a humbling experience! Not much of a shock though.

  In my readings I came across David dancing in front of the Lord. He was even in his under-roos! His wife is completely mad about it. She is telling David that he has brought shame to his house dancing the way he did by taking of his clothes. That story ends by David telling her that he did not dance for the people but rather for the Lord. And she went on to have no children because of this!  Tough stuff indeed.

  So I rush over to the book of 1st Opinions. (You know that book! The most quoted book in the Bible!) Well my opinion was still there but it seemed to be changing. Hmm, maybe 2nd Opinions is where the truth could be found. I have relied on 2nd Opinions so much in my life. How could it fail!  

  Let's face it. I don't want opinions about anything anymore. I want the truth. The truth is, this is a matter of the heart. Like most things we do, if our heart be pure, we may worship God freely.

  So there I am. I give up! So much of how I served the Lord relied on my personal opinions. NO MORE!! If you want to worship God thru dancing or singing in your own way or style who am I to be your judge.

  In fact, you might catch me dancing before the Lord. Who can help it! He has blessed me so much and has given me such great things to enjoy.

  I want to be pleasing to my Lord.

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